We piled into the truck and started the drive to Val’s apartment. My smile grew the closer we got. We were almost to the point where we were living with Xaiden. Granted, we’d been staying with him every night. Until our belongings were there, it didn’t feel real.

Xaiden turned the truck around the corner to the street Val’s apartment and JJ’s shop was on. He had to stop short because there were two big buses blocking a good section of the road. They were all black with dark tinted windows.

“Oh, come on,” Xaiden griped, throwing the truck into park at the curb and shutting it off. He jumped out with Val and me following.

Xaiden strode down the sidewalk on his powerful legs like he was ready to throw down with someone until they moved their buses. It was Val who ran up to him and started pulling on his arm to get his attention. I caught up with them as we neared JJ’s shop. JJ was on the sidewalk with a bunch of men I didn’t recognize.

“Holy shit, do you know who that is?” Val asked in a hurried whisper.

“No, and I don’t care,” Xaiden bit out. “They’re in my fucking way.”

“Xaiden,” Val pleaded. “It’s them. The band. They’re… they’re standing right fucking there.” His eyes were wide and latched on to the men.

“Val!” JJ yelled. All eyes turned our way and Val swayed. I had to step behind him to hold him still. “Look!” JJ was like a child meeting his idol. His smile was big, and he subtly bounced with excitement.

“Hey, can you move these things?” Xaiden asked, motioning toward the buses, not caring who the men were.



“You’re Xaiden Dremest, right?” Reed asked. Fucking Reed Ashford was standing in front of me and knew my boyfriend. What was this life I was living?

Up close, Reed was a bit shorter than the others in the band but still taller than me, so I put him around six feet. His dark brown hair was streaked with subtle purple and hung in his face, down to his chin. He was fucking beautiful. I always thought he was hot. This close and I was surprised I wasn’t drooling.

“Yeah, so?” Xaiden was not in the mood to deal with them. He wanted us in his home, moved in. I got it, but it was Ruined & Relinquished. There was no way I was leaving unless Xaiden or Corbin stripped right here and asked me to fuck them against the box truck.

Reed stepped closer and extended his hand to Xaiden. “I’m Reed Ashford. We were reading about you this morning on our way into the city.” Reed looked at Corbin then at me. I was literally vibrating with excitement. “You’re Val and Corbin.” He reached for Corbin’s hand, and they shook. “It’s nice to meet you.”

He turned to me. And wanted to shake my hand.

“Holy fucking shit,” I was able to get out and propelled forward to take his hand. I shook it like a damn psycho. Like I had no idea how to behave and hadn’t been in public before. “I’m a huge fan. What are you doing here? I mean, I know why you’re here. You have a concert, but why are you in front of the shop?”

“The bus was giving us trouble and we saw the sign, so we stopped. It’s better to break down here than in West Dremest where fans will mob us.”

Another man came up behind him. Holy shit. It was Casper Ashford. I was going to die right here on the sidewalk. He was even hotter than Reed. And tall. Jesus, he was tall. Probably four inches taller than Reed, with arms that flexed with solid muscles when he crossed them. His blond hair ruffled in the breeze. I almost sighed. He was so dreamy.

“Reed,” Casper said. It was rough and held a commanding tone. I was close to dropping to my knees to offer him anything he wanted. Then I remembered I had my own two hot men and wanted to spend my life with them. Trying to deep throat a guitar player wouldn’t work well.

Reed sighed and turned. “This is my brother, Casper. He’s impatient and wants to get on our way. Not that we’re going far.”

“Stepbrother,” Casper corrected.

“I know who you are,” I said, before I could stop myself. “And both of you too. Slater and Dash Meadows. Holy fucking shit.” If Xaiden and Corbin wanted to be seen with me after this, I’d be floored.

JJ walked over to stand by me and slung his arm around my shoulders. “Can you believe this shit? Our shop, Val. Our fucking shop!”

“Wait,” Reed said. “Aren’t you dating Dexen Dremest and Greer Lynx?”

“Hell yeah I am,” JJ said with a grin.

“Man, it’s been forever since I’ve seen Greer. How’s he doing? How’s Peyton?”

They started talking and I turned my head to look at my men. I knew my eyes were still big. My mouth hung open. A bug could have flown in there and I wouldn’t have cared. Corbin smiled and pulled me in for a hug. He gave the best hugs. I wrapped my arms around him, loving how great this day had become. Not only was I moving in with these amazing men, but I got to meet the band I loved so much.

JJ ended up having to call a friend, who worked on vehicles of this size. He came in and was able to diagnose the problem then left to buy parts. Luckily, the band still had a while before they had to get to the arena for the concert.

Slater brought out an acoustic guitar and sat in the shop with the bay doors open, strumming the chords to a song I’d heard countless times. Reed began humming the words but eventually broke into vocals while Dash grabbed his sticks and made do with what was in the shop to beat on.