I stepped forward so I could kiss her on the cheek. “Do you need help with lunch?”

“No, I’ve got it taken care of.”

She loved to cook, always had. While she helped run the businesses with my dad, she would still be there every day when Dexen and I got out of school and would give us home-cooked meals every evening. I always knew how lucky we were to have what we did. My parents knew it too. That was why they gave back as much as they could and even had a foundation they’d created, as well as a food bank to make sure those in need had food on their tables. Dexen and I donated to both causes every year.

“Corbin, I want to hear about you. Xaiden said you’re a doctor and work in the emergency room in East Dremest Hospital.”

“I do. That was why we couldn’t come for dinner. I apologize for that. I have an early shift tomorrow.”

Mom shook her head. “Don’t apologize. We understand hard work in this house. Don’t we, Xaiden?”

“That we do.”

We went into the house where my mom took us to the formal living room and sat Corbin beside her. A good fifteen minutes later, I heard my dad’s FJ coming back down the driveway, so I stood to meet them in the garage while Corbin and my mom talked. They got along better than I’d hoped. Corbin could be shy at times, but not in front of my parents. He slid easily into conversation like he said he would during the ride over.

Val parked in the garage and shut the FJ off but didn’t get out right away. He and my dad kept talking about the restoration, about the history the vehicle had. It had belonged to my grandfather, who didn’t keep up the maintenance on it and eventually left it outside in the elements through harsh winters and hot summers. When he passed, my dad got the FJ and started working on it. Once he brought it here, it hadn’t been parked outside one night. I knew because my first car used to sit in the garage until he told me to start parking in the driveway, that we had to make room for the FJ.

I leaned against the doorway with my eyes on Val and the smile he wore. He talked animatedly with his hands. My dad was just as engaging in the conversation. I could still hear my mom and Corbin talking. Surrounded by family and the men I loved, I could have only been happier if Dexen and my friends were here too.



The early morning shifts I didn’t mind. I was able to get a good night’s sleep, thanks to being wrapped in Xaiden’s and Val’s arms. The commute into the city wasn’t ideal, but I’d rather drive farther and stay with them during off time than alone in my condo with a short commute to the hospital.

I’d already taken over the patients and was up to speed on where everyone was in terms of care.

Autumn stepped up to the counter I was sitting behind. “Cody’s back and he’s asking for you.” Cody was the young man who had lost his parents at the hands of his uncle and witnessed the whole thing. I had to admit, he’d been on my mind since everything happened. If there was a lull at work, I found my mind drifting to him and his sister and hoping they were all right.

I stood. “Is he okay?”

“He doesn’t seem hurt or sick, but he wouldn’t say much to me. He wouldn’t let them check him in out front. He’s in the waiting room.”

“I’m going to bring him back to a consulting room. If you need me, grab me.”

She nodded and I went to find Cody.

The waiting room was quiet, the three TVs had their volumes down low so as not to disturb anyone. A morning talk show played, the host talking through the top headlines of the day. The blue plastic chairs which lined the space were empty, except for a figure huddled in the corner on one. A black hoodie was pulled over a mop of curly brown hair. Cody had his legs up on the seat, his arms wrapped around his knees.


He lifted his head. The dark smudges under his eyes and the hollowness of his cheeks told me he wasn’t sleeping or eating nearly enough. “Dr. Dove.” He got to his feet, pushing his hood off and combing his fingers through his hair.

“Come back with me and we can talk where it’s private.” No one would hear us out here, but I didn’t know when a new patient would come in.

I took him to a consulting room where we wouldn’t be near the patients and wouldn’t be disturbed unless Autumn needed me.

Cody sat on a chair, his fingers gripping the edge of it. I sat in the chair next to him, angling my body so I was facing him, giving him my full attention.

“Talk to me,” I said. “What’s going on?”

“I’d like to get custody of Olivia, but I don’t know how to do it. I was hoping you could help me.”

“Did something happen with your aunt?”

His eyes met mine then, dark brown pools of hurt. “She doesn’t live here. I refused to go with her. I’m graduating in a week. I’m not going to start somewhere else. She couldn’t force me to go since I’m eighteen, but Olivia…”

“She didn’t have a choice,” I filled in.