Corbin tugged on my hand. “It’s okay, Val. We’re fine. They probably weren’t paying attention.”

“They hit the gas, Doc. It was intentional.”

“Shit,” JJ cursed on the other end of the line. “I can’t ask Greer to hack a government system. You should call the cops and file a report. They’ll be able to get the footage.”

“Sure,” I scoffed. “Because the West Dremest PD really wants to help someone like me.”

“You work for PJS. You’re in a goddamn dress shirt and slacks. You’re not slumming it, Val. Even if you were, it’s their job to protect the people here.”

“I’m not calling the cops. I’ll be back in an hour.” I hung up.

Corbin had his phone out. I quickly took it from him, making sure he didn’t call anyone. “JJ’s right,” he said.

“No, he’s not. I don’t like the cops, okay?” I started walking further into the park, until we got to a bench where I sat down.

Corbin sat beside me, putting the cooler on his other side. “You can talk to me.”

I sighed. He was right though. If we were going to have a relationship; he should know about my past. “My uncle was a cop. I thought I could go to him when my father started beating me. My uncle laughed. He told me I probably deserved it for wanting to take it up the ass. His words, not mine. He called me a bunch of slurs I’m not going to repeat. Needless to say, that was the first example of the police failing me.

“The second was when I was walking to the bus stop so I could get to school. This was before I started fighting back. I had a black eye I couldn’t conceal, and I was limping. I was scrawny as hell. A cop pulled up. He asked me what happened. I was so tired of being a punching bag. I cried right there in front of him. He asked me my name, which he instantly recognized since my uncle was on the force. I said my father hit me. The cop told me to stop telling lies and get to school. He left me standing there. Tears running down my face, obviously in pain.

“It was what I needed to kick me in the ass and decide to stop letting my father hit me. I fought back after that. I also didn’t bother telling anyone what was happening. It was obvious they didn’t give a shit. The school didn’t either. They looked at me like I was fine. I was the only one I could count on.”

“I’m so sorry.” Corbin leaned close and put his arm around me. Anyone else I’d probably shove them away. I didn’t want pity. Corbin was offering comfort though. A shoulder, warmth, his caring touch. I leaned into him.

“It’s in the past for a reason.”

“Where’s your uncle now?”

“Still on the force in the shit town I grew up in and fled from the moment I graduated high school. He’s not my family anymore. The ones who are still alive are dead to me.” Even though reliving my past was painful, my stomach still begged for food and growled loudly.

“Let’s get you fed.”

Corbin pulled out ham and cheese sandwiches, a bag of grapes, and another of orange slices. He had bottles of water and even pieces of cake for dessert. It was really damn sweet of him to think of me like this.

We were packing everything away when he asked if I had plans Friday night.

“I don’t. What do you have in mind?”

He told me what happened with Xaiden and how he invited us over. “I was going to tell you sooner, but there was the thing with the car and you and I were talking. It wasn’t the right time.”

“Hold the fuck on, Doc. Xaiden wants to be with us as infucking bewith us?”

He nodded. “I think. Like I said, I made sure it wasn’t an experiment, which he said it wasn’t. What do you want to do?”

“You think he’s hot, right? And you’re attracted to him beyond the physical aspect, I’m guessing?”

“I am but I feel like I’m betraying you by just saying it out loud.”

“We’ve been on one date. Two if you count this, which I’d like to.” I smiled. “You’re not betraying me because I’d like to see what Xaiden has in mind.”

“So… the three of us?”

“There’s something in the water. That’s the only way I can explain it.” Then I drank another gulp from my bottle because if what I was drinking got me both Corbin and Xaiden, I’d buy it in bulk.