I nodded. It took everything in me not to duck my head too. If I did, Val might think I wasn’t being honest. That I was just saying it to make him feel better, which I wasn’t.

“I think you’re pretty good-looking too. I’m not saying that because I’m hard up or anything. Just to clarify.”

Smiling, I said, “I appreciate you pointing that out.”

“Fuck,” he grumbled. “I’m not good at this.”

I laughed. “You think I am? I haven’t been with anyone since my ex-wife. I can’t gather the courage to ask a man on a date. I hide in my condo or go out by myself.” What I didn’t want to voice was my fear that Pia was right. I wasn’t good in bed or I did work too much. I couldn’t satisfy a partner.

“Ask me out, Doc.”

“You want me to… Now?”

“No, yesterday. Yes, now.” It was what I needed to hear to lighten the mood between us.

“Will you go on a date with me, Val?”

“I will. But nothing fancy. I’m not that kind of guy. I figure you might be with how you dress, and you brought wine to the party. I’m simple.”

A plan was forming in my mind. “Do you want to come to my place tomorrow night? I’ll cook us dinner. We can relax since we both have to work on Monday.”

“That works.”

I took my phone out and exchanged numbers with him before sending him my address. Val said he didn’t live too far from me, but he also pointed out I was in a nicer area than he was. I didn’t care about that, outside of worrying over his safety. Then again, if someone came near Val, JJ would put the fear of death in them. JJ was friendly, but I could see him turning hard if the need arose for it.

Val shifted on his feet. Deciding to hell with what I should or shouldn’t do in my head, I could overanalyze my moves until the sun rose again. I stepped forward and wrapped Val in my arms. He stiffened at first. I held him a little tighter, going purely on instinct. He eventually melted against me. His slender body fit well with mine.

There was no mistaking Val for a woman. He was slim, yes, and shorter than me. He had some muscles too. Not to the extent Xaiden did but Val held me close. The scruff on his jaw brushed against my skin where my shirt must have been pulled down a bit at the shoulder.

Val turned, tucking his face against my neck. “Thank you.”

“What do you have to thank me for?”

“You gave me what I didn’t know I needed. I can’t remember the last time someone hugged me, besides the casual ones Jay gives me. This is different, nicer. I like it.”

“I’ll hug you anytime you want.” I meant every word. Val wasn’t the only one who thought this was nice. I liked having him in my arms. It felt good.Hefelt good.

Val leaned back first. He surprised me when he pressed a kiss to my cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I blushed again. “Tomorrow.”

Inside my truck, I paid attention to the way my hands shook. To how my heart raced. A smile graced my lips. Something big just happened to me. I had asked a man on a date. And it wasn’t out of pity for Val or my own desperation. I meant it when I said I didn’t want to practice or hook up. I wasn’t wired that way. Not that there was anything wrong with others doing it. I needed a deep connection. The building of a relationship. The possibility of seeing where it could go. The more I got to know Val, the more I was attracted to him.

Movement from the house caught my attention. I must have missed Xaiden there but the curtain in the front window swayed. Had he seen Val and I hug?

Xaiden was hurting. Badly. I would have loved to have been there for him. To hold him and help him through what he was feeling. Not everyone wanted that though. Hopefully he’d come to me or Val when he was ready to talk again.

Without overthinking it, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and brought up Xaiden’s contact information so I could send him a text.

Me: Thank you for inviting us over tonight. I’d still like to be your friend. I know Val would too. We’re here for you if you want to talk. You’re not alone, Xaiden, even if it may feel like it. Day or night, I’ll be here.

I waited a minute to see if he’d text me back. It showed delivered so I knew he got it.

With a sigh, and hope in my heart that Xaiden would be okay, I started my truck. Val was already gone. I pulled up the map app and set my course for home. I hadn’t been out this far before and didn’t want to get lost on backroads at night.

The drive gave me time to think, to process what happened tonight, which was a lot. While I was excited about tomorrow evening with Val, my mind kept drifting to Xaiden as well. Leaving him alone made my heart ache.

I was a healer by nature. I couldn’t do that when he didn’t want it. I could offer my time; tell him I’d answer if he called. My text said it all. I just hoped he’d do it and didn’t think he ruined the friendship we were building.