“Please. I’m going to rock this shit. I was made to officiate this ceremony.”

Dexen came up behind him and put his hands on JJ’s hips. “Yes, he was up all night searching the internet for different things he could say so he could piece his speech together.”

“Are you mocking me?”

Dexen placed a kiss on the tip of JJ’s nose. “No, Jordan, I’m not. I think it’s very sweet how much thought you put into this.”

“How are the ki— I mean how are Olivia and Cody?” I asked. Val caught my almost slipup and smiled when I corrected myself.

“Good,” Dexen replied. “Cody’s sitting between our parents and yours, and Olivia is with Greer.”

We noticed she gravitated to the men who were bigger and stronger than the others. Greer was definitely big, as was his brother and Dexen. With the three of us, she stayed closer to Xaiden. She was comfortable around all of us now, but still reserved with what she said. Cody tended to go between Val and me. He saw me as someone who saved lives for a living, even though I couldn’t save his mom’s. He still apologized to me for that when guilt ate away at him. With Val, he saw someone who had been through hell and came out on the other side. He looked up to him. I thought it also helped that they weren’t too far apart in age, which just served in making me feel old.

Both Cody and Olivia were seeing a grief counselor, who was helping them through the loss of their parents and the changes in their lives. I was proud of them for going, not every child or even adult would.

JJ grinned, drawing my attention back to the people around me. “If she keeps that up, Greer’s going to want to talk about adoption again.”

“Again?” I asked.

“We’ve floated the idea, but we aren’t ready.”

“Oy!” Greer’s voice carried up the hallway. “The fuck are you doing? Everyone’s waiting.”

A big smile lit JJ’s face and he rubbed his hands together.

“I can’t believe you’re letting him do this,” Dexen muttered.

Greer slung his arm over JJ’s shoulders. “Come on now. JJ’s going to be great.”

“Thank you.” He kissed Greer then narrowed his eyes at Dexen.

Dexen laughed and drew JJ to his chest to thoroughly kiss him. “Forgive me?”

“When you make it up to me like that…”

Greer pried them apart. “Focus.”

“Right.” JJ straightened his jacket and looked at the three of us. “I’ll see you outside.”

They went back down the hall, leaving us alone. Our arms went around each other as we stood in a circle. No words were said. In truth, we didn’t need them. We knew how we felt about each other. Out there would be us declaring it to those we loved, while bonding us together further.

We left the bedroom but paused by the sliding doors in the kitchen, peering outside. There was a tent off to the left where Dana and those who worked with him at the club were bringing the food to the tables for a buffet-style meal. We didn’t want to go overly fancy, that wasn’t who we were. We’d rather people eat, drink, and enjoy.

Wooden chairs were situated on the lawn with an aisle in between that led to the spot where JJ stood. We didn’t bother with an arbor or a bunch of flowers. This was simple and understated. Plus, we only had two days so it was a good thing Dexen had a lot of supplies at his club we could use like the chairs for the ceremony. He closed down for the day, even though some of his members griped. He didn’t care though. Dexen’s love for his brother knew no bounds.

Hand in hand, we walked onto the patio together. Xaiden on one side of me, Val on the other. I swore they were waiting for me to fall or need their help, but I was okay. Even if I wasn’t, I would have faked the hell out of it because nothing would stop me from doing this today.

It warmed me to see my parents with Xaiden’s. I only wished Val had a better life with his parents. We made up for it now. We became a family, and our friends were part of that. We had Olivia and Cody. While they technically weren’t ours, we still cared greatly for them.

Perry, Peyton, and Dominic were here, smiling at us as we walked by. People who Val worked with at the shop and PJS sat in the crowd. Autumn, Austin, and some of my friends from the hospital came. I hadn’t realized the network I had there until everything happened. There were other family members on Xaiden’s side as well as some on mine. We were lucky we were supported, loved.

Val was wrapped up in my mom’s arms the second she got to see him in person for the first time when I was in the hospital. I didn’t get to witness it, but they told me. Today, I saw it again when my parents arrived. Both Val and Xaiden were welcomed into my family, just as Val and I had been welcomed into Xaiden’s.

JJ smiled as we stopped in front of him. Xaiden didn’t want Dexen to officiate, because he was worried he’d get too emotional. There was no one I felt right about asking. Val brought up JJ and it fit, especially with how close Val and JJ were.

“Thank you for joining us today as we celebrate the commitment of Val, Xaiden, and Corbin,” JJ began.

We stood in a semi-circle in front of him. I was still in the middle with my men on either side of me. We tended to put the one who needed the most attention in the center. I didn’t think I did today, outside of them making sure I wasn’t in pain, but as I stood here with them, I knew they realized something I didn’t.