“I’m sorry, Cody. If I’d known—”

“No, you have your own life. I… I saw you in the local paper. You’re in a relationship with two men.”

I nodded, unsure if he was going to say more.

“The night before my parents were killed, I told them I was… that I liked both guys and girls.”

“That was very brave of you to come out to them.”

“Not really. My parents believed in loving whoever you wanted to. They always told me how important it was to be true to myself and no matter what, they’d be there for me.” His voice dropped to a barely-there whisper. “They hugged me. They told me they loved me and how proud they were of me.” Tears fell again, but this time I was crying too. For all he’d lost. For the brave person he’d been, staying in school and graduating, even after he’d lost his family.

“They would still be proud of you and all you’ve accomplished. I’m proud of you too.”

“Thanks. Maybe one day I’ll find someone like you did.”

I nodded. “You have a lot to offer.”

Autumn knocked on the door. I waved her in. “I checked on the patient and got them comfortable. Another one has been brought back.” She couldn’t say much in front of Cody, but I knew my time with him was going to be cut short. As much as I wanted to stay here and talk, I had patients who needed care.

Just then, Xaiden and Val appeared behind Autumn. I had forgotten they were here. How awful was I?

“You’re fine, Doc,” Val said, able to read my face. “We wanted to say bye before we left.”

“I’ll be out in a minute, Autumn.” She nodded and left.

“Xaiden, Val, this is Cody. Cody these are my partners.”

Xaiden stepped into the room first. He was a big guy, intimidating. Cody didn’t shrink back. He stood to his full height and extended his hand, which still shook from the emotion going through him.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Cody said.

“You as well.” They shook.

I introduced Val then Xaiden’s eyes went to mine. “Everything okay?”

“Actually, would you two mind sitting with Cody while I check on my patients?” I didn’t want to use the consulting room for longer than necessary in case someone else needed it. “You can have a seat in the waiting room. There’s a small alcove that’s tucked away from the main floor. Not many know it’s there, so it doesn’t get used a lot.”

It was one thing to have them here for lunch with me in the break room, but I couldn’t keep them back here where patients were being cared for. I got Cody calmed down. I could leave them together for a bit and when I was able to step away, I could check on them.

Cody could use the time to calm further. He wasn’t a patient, but I trusted Xaiden and Val. I also didn’t want Cody to go home until I had a chance to call in my concerns about Olivia and to make sure Cody had the food and money he needed. After I saw my patients, I’d make the call.

I walked with them out to the waiting room. I saw Xaiden stop at the vending machine and grab a drink and snack for Cody. He must have noticed how thin Cody was. I showed them to the alcove. It was empty as usual. The TV was down low with a cooking show on. Val took a seat next to Cody. Xaiden was there a moment later and sat on Cody’s other side.

“Here,” he said gently and handed him the soda as well as a granola bar and a bag of chips.

Cody peered up at him. “You got these for me?”

Xaiden leaned back in the chair. “I did. You should eat.”

On cue, Cody’s stomach growled loudly, causing him to chuckle. “I guess I am hungry.”

I wanted to ask him if he had food at home. If he ended up getting more shifts at the pizza place he worked at, but I had to go back to my job. Hopefully, Xaiden and Val would be able to get him to talk to them.

“I’ll be back in a bit,” I said.

Xaiden nodded and moved like he was going to stand and kiss me but thought the better of it. I was at work, not that it mattered. Everyone knew I was with them. Maybe he was also thinking about Cody and not wanting to make him uneasy since he didn’t know them. Public displays of affection weren’t everyone’s thing. Val gave me a soft smile.

I turned before the draw of my men became too much. I went back into work mode and did the job I loved. I needed to help Cody and his sister. I would do everything I could. At least Xaiden and Val were with him.