People in the neighborhood heard the music and emerged from their homes. These weren’t the type who had a lot of money and could afford to go to the concert. They were the ones who listened on their radios since that was as close as they’d ever come to hearing the band.

Once Reed saw the crowd, he sang louder, his voice carrying throughout the shop. The bays were empty except for the one JJ had been working on a car in. Casper wasn’t playing, simply standing off to the side with his hands shoved in his pockets. I let my eyes drag down him, noticing the frayed hem on his black T-shirt and the way his jeans were torn at the knee and shin. His eyes were on the band. Too bad I couldn’t go up to him and ask him what he was thinking. Ask why he didn’t join in. He was a hell of a player as the lead guitar in the band.

I stood with my back to Xaiden’s chest and Corbin’s hand in mine. Together, we watched Ruined & Relinquished play like they would at a concert but without the equipment. I thought it was better. It was raw and unplanned. It spoke of the skills they had as a band when they went from one song to another. I knew their music well. They didn’t stick to one sound but had a range. Some had heavier beats. Some were fast, while others slowed down. No matter what they played, Reed’s voice matched it.

JJ’s friend fixed the bus and joined us while the band continued. They only went through two more songs before stopping and waving to the crowd that had gathered. The street was full of people. Xaiden was pissed about two buses. He wasn’t going anywhere until all these people got out of here.

Reed thanked everyone and told them they had to get going. He was so personable and friendly. The complete opposite of Casper, who glared and gave off aget the fuck away from mevibe. I didn’t care. I still loved him.

I got to talk to them one more time before they boarded the buses and slowly made their way through the crowd. Once they left, it didn’t take long for everyone else to go.

“Wasn’t that amazing?” JJ asked. “I’m glad you showed up. I came here to work on a car, but I also wanted to lend a hand in case you needed it for the move. I never expected those buses to pull up. Then to see Reed Ashford step out… Jesus, I’m going to be talking about this for years.”

“You and me both,” I told him. It was surreal. “They played. They fucking gave us a small concert, Jay.”

“Now that everyone’s gone, do you guys need a hand?”

“That would be great,” Xaiden said. “We got a bit behind.”

“Luckily, I don’t have much,” I told them.

There honestly wasn’t a lot in the apartment I was taking with me. I grabbed my clothes from the closet and shoved a garbage bag with a hole at the bottom over top of the hangers, so the handles were on the outside and the clothes were covered. I had already boxed up my other belongings earlier in the week. Corbin and I had been bringing clothes to Xaiden’s slowly. It was time for us to bring over everything else.

Our friends had offered to help but we had told them not to worry about it. Between the three of us, we had it covered. Of course, JJ didn’t listen and showed up anyway, which I was grateful for. If the shop had been closed, I didn’t know what the band would have done. I probably wouldn’t have gotten to meet them.

It didn’t take long to carry my boxes and clothes down to the truck. I gave JJ a quick hug then we were off to Xaiden’s home, or should I say our home? That was going to take some getting used to.

The drive took longer than normal since we bypassed as much of the city as possible due to the concert. They usually sold out when they were here. All four band members were local to the area, so the crowds were always big.

Back at the house, we stored our belongings in a spare bedroom to go through when we got the chance. Now it was official. We had put the address changes in with the post office and everything.

I stood in the living room, looking around at the space I’d seen and been in countless times. It felt different today because we were here with Xaiden permanently.

He entered the room, stopping in front of me. “We can change the furniture. Buy whatever you and Corbin want. I’m not attached to it.”

Corbin walked in and stood next to me. “We don’t need you to do that. Besides, it feels like home how it is. I didn’t have that in my condo. I like it the way it is.”

“Ditto,” I said. “I liked being at Jay’s place, but it never felt like mine. While I didn’t help you pick any of this out, it still feels like I belong here.” I put my arm around Corbin’s waist. “Like we both do.”

Xaiden cupped my cheeks, holding me so damn gently my heart felt like it was going to burst from my chest. “That’s because you do. My home belongs to both of you. If you want to change something, do it. If we need to buy more, we will. I was even thinking about having another garage built so there’s room for your vehicles.”

I reached up to hold his wrist, not wanting him to move from where he was touching me. “My piece of shit Mazda is used to the elements. The rust holds it together. There’s no need to pamper it now.”

“I could get you a new car.”

I released him so I could put my hand over his mouth. “Don’t start with that. If I want a new car, I’ll save my money.” I looked at Corbin. “Don’t you start either. I know you make a lot more than me.”

“I’m a saver, Val, not a spender,” he replied. “I like to have a padded savings account after everything that happened with Pia.”

Xaiden took Corbin’s hand. Mine fell from Xaiden’s mouth now that we got the whole don’t buy me a car thing out of the way. “We’re not her,” Xaiden said softly.

Corbin sighed. “I know. Some habits die hard though.”

“They do. But we’re together. Here, in this home. Out there in the world. And I’m the happy fucker who gets to call you both mine.”

I shifted from one foot to the other, my dick starting to harden. “Is this where we have sex, because I’d really like to do that.”

Xaiden’s gaze snapped back to mine. Before I could take another breath, he crushed his mouth down and swept his tongue into my mouth. It was a hell of a welcome home.