“It’s not your fault.” I looked up and saw Autumn standing in the doorway.

“How much did you hear?”

“Just the end. I was coming to tell you we have a new patient when I saw him open the door and heard him raise his voice. I was there that night, remember? We did everything we could.”

I nodded woodenly. “The new patient?”

“Thirteen-year-old female with a laceration to her chin.”

Standing, I took a second to take a deep breath and release it. I had a job to do.

Hours later, I still had guilt eating at me, wondering if I could find a way to help Cody. Not get his sister back. I didn’t think that possible, but maybe stay on his feet. Though, if his words were anything to go by, he didn’t want my charity. I didn’t see it as that. Although, he would.

While Cody wasn’t a patient of mine, we still spoke. I couldn’t leave today and ask Xaiden or Val what they thought. I couldn’t violate his trust. They’d see the worry on me plain as day. I’d have to tell them it was a hard shift at work and leave it at that.

What also ate at me was the fact there were many children out there who didn’t have their parents. Children who lived on the streets, who were trying to survive every day in cities around the world. Talking to Cody was a stark reminder of the hell too many of them faced. No, their situations weren’t all similar. At least Olivia had a roof over her head and was being cared for, however minimal it was. I also didn’t know how true Cody’s words were about his aunt and her husband. They could be good people, and he was angry at everyone and everything for what he’d been through.

Shaking my head, I glanced down at my watch, wishing my shift would hurry up and end. I wanted to be back in the arms of the men who had captured my heart. I didn’t think anything else would set me right or help me feel like I was on even footing again.



Rock pumped through the speakers mounted throughout the shop. It was Ruined & Relinquished, which was a band we all loved. I was the only one here right now. It was eight at night, and the employees who worked here all day had gone home a couple of hours ago.

Corbin’s truck needed an oil change and tire rotation. I wanted to check some other things. He had taken my Mazda to work, and I took his truck this morning when I left Xaiden’s. Corbin planned on meeting us back at Xaiden’s later tonight. We were staying there nightly. I was hardly in my apartment, which was fine by me. I’d take sleeping with Corbin and Xaiden any night over being alone.

And the sex, fuck me, the sex was phenomenal. It didn’t matter how many times we fucked around; I couldn’t get enough. I wanted to chalk it up as it still being new for me, but Xaiden and Corbin were just as eager as I was.

The back door to the shop banged open. The damn thing didn’t have a spring. All it knew how to do was slam. JJ liked it because he said no one could sneak up on him. Even over the music I heard the thing bounce off the wall.

JJ and Greer came into sight. JJ went to the sound system and turned it down. “What’s wrong with Corbin’s truck?” he asked.

“Maintenance. Nothing big. I bought the parts. I’m just using the shop for the lift and oil disposal.” Plus, I still had my tools here. I didn’t need them at PJS and with nowhere else to store them, they were kept off to the side to be out of the way.

“You know I don’t care about any of that. As long as you bought the parts, we’re good. Did you at least use the shop discount?” The local auto parts store gave us a decent chunk off since we were loyal to them.

“Of course.”


“Hey, did you know Dex’s dad has a restored eighty-one FJ40?”

“No, but I can’t remember when the last time we were at their house was.” He rubbed his chin. “It might have been when we dated the first time. They usually come to our house now, or we meet them out somewhere. I’m guessing you got to officially meet the parents then?”

“Yeah. I was nervous as hell. I thought for sure they’d hate me, but Xaiden’s dad gave me the keys to the FJ minutes after we arrived. We went for a drive and bonded and shit. He invited me to go to a car show with him in a couple months, said he was happy to have someone to share that stuff with.”

Greer coughed a “Suck up,” into his fist.

I threw the rag I was using to wipe my hands off at him. JJ caught it before it could reach Greer.

“Leave Val alone,” JJ said. “You have a great mom. Val and I didn’t win the parent lotto.”

“You can say that again,” I muttered.

“Val, Dex said the car that tried to hit you was familiar to him,” Greer spoke from where he leaned against one of the tall tool boxes with his arms crossed.

I nodded. “Xaiden told me, but it doesn’t get us anywhere. It’s not like it’s a rare car or paint color.”