“When do I get to see you in a tie?” He traced his finger over my neck. “I wouldn’t mind using it to my advantage to hold you right where I want you.”

“Fuck,” I groaned, my cock hardening fast. “Can I ask you something?”


“Do you know how old I am?”

“Only that you’re older than me. I don’t really think about our ages.”

I dropped my forehead to his. “I’m forty-nine.”

Val gasped and reared back but didn’t release me. “Fuck, you’re ancient. How do you even get around without a walker? Have you had your hips replaced or your knees? How’s your bone density?” He nudged me toward the couch. “Maybe you should sit down. All this standing isn’t good for your joints. Do you have any glucosamine? I heard that was good for people your age.”

Gripping his hips again, I pulled him back to me, his body fitting perfectly against mine. I had a good five inches on him. “Smart-ass.” I pressed a kiss to his lips. “I move around just fine.” To prove my point, I pushed my hips forward, rubbing myself against him.

He hummed. “You’re going to need to show me just how agile you are.”

“Val…” I needed to know it wasn’t an issue. That he didn’t mind how much older I was than him.

“I don’t care about your age, Xaiden, or the gap between ours. It doesn’t matter to me. Are you worried about it?”

“What if you get sick of me and Corbin? What if you want someone younger?”

“No one compares to you two. Do you hear me? I don’t want anyone else. If I wanted that, I would have looked for it long before the three of us got together.”

“Always be honest with me.”

“There’s no other way to be.”

“Are you hungry?”

“For cum or food?”

I laughed. “Food. I want to wait for Corbin before we fool around.” We had discussed it and there was no jealousy if only two of us were together, but there was a sense of being complete when it was the three of us. I needed them equally.

“What time is he getting done with his shift?”

“Early in the morning, I think. We won’t see him until tomorrow night. He needs sleep. I’d like for you to stay here tonight. If you want. I’d like to hold you.”

He pressed a kiss to my lips. “Promise you’ll keep me close all night?”




The trauma of my last shift followed me. I got done around seven this morning and came home to shower and crawl into bed to sleep, which I did, but it was off and on, tossing and turning. I’d seen a lot. Could handle a lot. The pain in the eyes of someone who lost a parent too early was very hard to stomach, especially when that someone was only eighteen years old.

I thought the drive to Xaiden’s would clear my head. The air was warm, barely a cloud in the sky. The sun was still out, and I had the windows down in my truck. I’d stayed in bed for hours, but eventually gave up. Val was meeting us there. I needed them. I needed something good to warm me because I’d been chilled to the bone after what I witnessed and who I couldn’t save.

With Xaiden’s driveway in sight, I could breathe again but with that breath came the stinging of tears. The story of what happened had already made the news. With enough neighbors around, people who heard the gunshots, who saw the paramedics and police officers, it didn’t take long for word to spread.

I hadn’t realized I was sitting in my truck in the driveway, staring out the windshield, until Xaiden reached through the open window to touch my shoulder. “Corbin, what’s wrong?”

Turning to him, the first tear broke free. I quickly brushed it away. My time with them was supposed to be relaxing, fun, us strengthening our relationship. “Hey.” I shut my truck off and rolled up the windows before getting out. Val and I had plans to spend the weekend with Xaiden.

I tried to walk around him toward the house, but Xaiden reached for my forearm and pulled me to a stop. “Talk to me.” It wasn’t only concern in his eyes. There was fear too.