“I wasn’t ready,” I whispered.

“I know. It’s why I didn’t push you.”

“I’m scared.”

Standing, Dexen came over and sat down beside me. He put his arm around my shoulders and took my weight against his side. There had been multiple occasions where I felt like the roles were reversed with us, where I was the younger brother, and he was the older. Other times, I easily slid into the big brother role, like when Dexen drank himself into a stupor and I had to bring some clarity.

“Nothing’s going to happen,” he said. “You have JJ, Greer, and me. Pey, Dom, and Junior, too. You’re not alone. You never were.”

“I won’t survive if I lose them.”

“They’re not going anywhere.”

I met my brother’s eyes. “Val is twenty-six years younger than me. That’s not a small amount. He could figure out he wants a younger man. Corbin is twenty years older than him. Why does he want to be with us?”

“Hell, Xaiden, I don’t know. Because even though he’s young, he knows what he wants? He’s not a kid. He’s been through shit neither of us could fathom, had to grow up fast, and now he’s solid on his own two feet. It makes sense that he’s ready to settle down. Sure, he’s young. Who cares? Not everyone wants to be with someone their age. There’s a lot to say for experience.” Dexen wore a smug look.

“You have ten years on JJ. Don’t act like you’re so much more knowledgeable than him.” I paused, debating how much I wanted to say. Being with Corbin and Val had me wanting to talk to my brother more. “I’m in deep, Dex.”

“I didn’t think you’d be with them otherwise. I knew it would take something big to get you to finally surrender to another. Do they know everything?”

I nodded. “I told them before we got together.”

“Good. Secrets have the power to destroy.” My brother would know. He dated JJ years ago. They split up because my brother broke a promise to him. It didn’t mean Dexen stopped loving him or looking out for him. Dexen did what he had to so JJ was safe. In the process, he kept things from JJ. JJ had no idea Dexen kept killing for him or that he would talk with JJ’s father. I couldn’t blame my brother. I would do the same for those I loved. Fortunately, it worked out for them, and they had Greer too. He was the piece they were missing. Together they were whole.

“It’s too fast to feel as much as I do.”

“For some reason, there’s this notion that love takes time. That you have to know someone really well before you fall in love. Fuck society. When you know, you know. If you love them, and you’re ready to voice it, tell them.”

“What if I scare them away?” God, I hated how fucking vulnerable I felt. Like every word that left my mouth cracked me open a little wider. It became easy to do in front of Corbin and Val. But Dexen was different. I had kept so many of my feelings from him over the years. Dexen was my blood, my brother. He’d love me no matter what, but he’d also worry about me like I did him.

“Then they weren’t meant to be yours. And if they are, they’ll come back. It’s not easy. Look at the shit I went through with JJ and Greer. I fucked up royally. It took you stepping in to open my eyes wider.”

The thought of telling Val and Corbin how much I was coming to care about them frightened me. I wasn’t sure I was ready to voice it yet, but I was in love with them. Maybe that was how I was wired. When I fell, I fell hard. There wasn’t an in-between. In or out. In love or not. They were meant to be mine. I would do whatever it took to hold on to them.

I was about to respond to Dexen when I heard a car pull up to the house. Dexen grinned.

“What did you do?” I asked him.

“Nothing you haven’t done for me. I’m going to head out. If I can remember where I saw that damn Challenger before, I’ll let you know.”

Before he stood, I leaned over and hugged him. “Thanks, Dex.”

He wrapped his arms around me. “I’ll always have your back.”

Dexen got up to leave, slipping his shoes back on. He clapped Val on the shoulder as he walked out the door.

“You okay?” Val asked, his gaze looking me over then scanning my living room.

“Did my brother text you?”

“He texted Jay who texted me. Now Dex has my number and Corbin’s.”

I nodded and stood. Dexen was looking out for me. I did the same for him when he hit rock bottom. Though, I wasn’t there, just scared, which seemed to go with the territory with me.

Val stepped closer, lifting his arms so he could clasp his fingers around the back of my neck. “You sure you’re okay?” He still wore a solid black tie with a maroon button-down and a pair of slim fitting black slacks that showed off his slender legs and gorgeous ass.

“I am now.” I held his hips. “I know you don’t like wearing this, but fuck, you look gorgeous.”