Perry stalked after him. “Give it back, Dom.”

“Eat a dick, Perry,” was Dominic’s response.

Gripping Dominic around the waist from behind, Perry pressed his body to Dominic’s and bit his earlobe. “Give me my phone and I’ll let you fuck me when we get home.”

“’Both of us at the same time?”

“Both of you.”

Dominic lifted the phone and handed it back. Perry promptly adjusted his dick in his jeans and went outside.

Heat shot through me at the thought of me burying my dick in either Xaiden or Corbin at the same time as either of them. Two dicks, one hole… fucking hell. I had to not think about it or there would be no hiding me getting hard. That was some fantasy porn level shit right there.

Poor Corbin was crimson when I looked over at him. I stepped closer and cupped his cheeks in my hands. Instead of saying anything, I kissed him soundly, enjoying that I could do this. That I could kiss them both whenever I wanted.

“Either you two need to fight or we’re going our separate ways,” Dominic said. “It’s getting way too hot in here and I don’t mean from a workout. Jesus, that was sexy.”

I released Corbin and turned to find Dominic smiling at us.

Corbin, Xaiden, and I had gotten together last night when Corbin got off work. It was like we were going to combust if we didn’t get our hands on each other. I didn’t want to rush anything since we were going into this without much experience, but oh how I longed to be buried in both of them. This virgin was ready to have penetrative sex and thoroughly claim his men.

After we were completely sated last night, we decided to go get tested as soon as we could. I refused to take any chances when it came to Corbin and Xaiden. Yes, I was a virgin, but I wanted to show them proof I was clean. Hopefully by next weekend we’d have our results. I had to wait until after work to go. Corbin was going to get tested at the hospital. And Xaiden said he’d go tomorrow.

I was so wrapped up in sex in my head, it took Corbin taking my hand and dragging me toward the ring on the other side of the gym to snap me back to the present. We had been on one of the mats in the far corner where Xaiden was showing us some self-defense moves. That wasn’t what wore me out. No, it was the miles I ran on the treadmill, followed by other stuff, to the point that my legs felt like Jell-O. They didn’t serve me any good during self-defense.

We sat on a bench that gave us a perfect view of the ring. I took another drink of water and watched as Xaiden and Peyton stripped off their shirts and started putting gloves on.

Xaiden shirtless was a view I’d seen before, but he was glistening right now. Add in the sun streaming in the window just right and there was no way I wasn’t popping wood soon. Peyton was hot too, but nothing compared to Xaiden.

Once they were ready, they got into the ring like they’d done this together a thousand times before, which they might have since Xaiden was one of the people who trained Peyton years ago.

“You think you still have what it takes to beat me?” Xaiden asked, getting into his stance.

Peyton grinned. “We’re about to find out.”

Then it was on. I thought they’d fake punch each other but they didn’t. They weren’t hard hits, though they landed. There were a few times I cringed. Mostly I was oddly fascinated.

Corbin’s hand found mine and squeezed. He looked like he wanted to go up there and interrupt them, especially when he saw a tiny bit of blood trickle down Xaiden’s face.

“Don’t,” Dominic whispered. “They won’t really hurt each other. They’re sparring right now. They know how to take a hit. Why do you think Peyton’s and Xaiden’s cores are so strong? Watch their footwork. See how fast they are? It’s a skill they have. Xaiden taught Peyton well. They could be hitting a lot harder. If they really gave it their all, one of them would end up knocked out soon.”

“Shouldn’t they be wearing something to protect their faces?” Corbin asked.

“They could, but neither of them is aiming to hurt the other. This isn’t about teaching. When Xaiden had me in the ring with him, we wore gear to protect ourselves. This is Peyton though. It’s going to come to a mixture of boxing and the other shit they both know. A lot of skill. Who can best who.”

Sure enough, they started doing various techniques. While Peyton was bigger, Xaiden was faster. It was interesting to watch them go back and forth.

In the end, it was Peyton who was down and Xaiden who won, though I didn’t think either of them gave a shit. Neither was hurt badly. They were hugging and smiling when they climbed out. Xaiden looking this happy made me want to keep him that way. After all he’d been through, he deserved to smile more.

Corbin was on him as soon as he was in front of us, blotting the tiny bit of blood on his face with a clean towel.

“I’m fine,” Xaiden said softly, putting his hand on Corbin’s. “I’ve been hurt much worse than this.”

“I don’t like it,” Corbin grumbled.

“It’s good for me to get in there, to keep practicing. I can’t do it too much, especially when I have two men I need to protect.”

“Aww,” Dominic said as he leaned against a sweaty Peyton. “You should say sweet things like that to me, Pey.”