Leaning forward, I pressed a kiss to his arm. “She was lucky to have been loved by you.”
When I looked up, his eyes were open and latched on to me. He was putting himself in the position he didn’t think he would again. I couldn’t resist and closed the distance between us so I could press my lips to his. It didn’t last long, nothing more than a shared feeling, affection, longing, before I leaned away to reach across Xaiden for Val, who was holding Xaiden’s other hand. His free hand explored the ridges of Xaiden’s stomach.
I cupped Val’s cheek, urging him forward. “Can I kiss you?”
“You can do anything you want to me, Doc,” he whispered.
Our lips met. Where kissing Xaiden was soft, Val poured his desire into ours. His tongue pressed to the seam of my lips, seeking entrance which I readily gave him. Angling my head, I deepened the kiss, danced my tongue over his. Val moaned into my mouth. I answered with one of my own.
“Don’t move,” Xaiden said. We were kissing over him, in front of him. I wanted to reach out and touch him again, but he said not to move.
A hand pressed to my back, sliding down to the hem of my shirt where Xaiden worked his fingers beneath it to press his bare skin to mine. His touch was hot; his fingers sure as they moved to my front and down to my waist.
“If it’s too much or too far, tell me to stop,” he said. Val shuddered, letting me know Xaiden was touching him too. “I’m going off instinct so if I do something wrong or that you don’t like, one word and I’ll stop.” There was no way I was stopping him or this.
Val kissed me like he was drowning, and I was the air he needed to survive. Xaiden’s hand left a fiery trail in its wake, making me crave more.
The button of my jeans popped open. I sucked in a ragged breath against Val’s lips, my hand went to the back of his neck so I could run my fingers up into his hair.
My zipper was slowly pulled down. Nerves tightened my stomach. I hoped they liked what they saw of me when I was undressed. What if they didn’t? Insecurity started to take over, had me pulling back, releasing my hold on Val. But Val was there with a fist to my shirt, reeling me in, consuming me with a kiss again.
Xaiden’s hand dipped inside my briefs, coming in contact with my aching dick. A violent tremor tore through me when Xaiden’s hand wrapped around me. That time I did pull back. I braced my hand on Xaiden’s thigh and dropped my chin to my chest so I could suck in gulps of air. Holy shit that felt good. It had been too long since another person touched me. Xaiden wasn’t the only one who was touch starved.
“Goddamn, that’s good,” Val panted out.
I opened my eyes and lifted them to find Xaiden fisting us both, pumping us in time with the other, all the while taking no pleasure for himself. I was going to rectify that.
With one hand—I needed the other to hold me up—I reached for his jeans. Val helped me, and together we opened Xaiden’s jeans up and started dragging them down over his hips, but it was too difficult.
“Okay, that’s enough of this,” Val said. “Everybody strip.”
We stood, cramped between the coffee table and the couch. Xaiden noticed and used his foot to push the coffee table across the floor to give us more space, not seeming to care where it ended up. We took our clothes off, shirts first, then everything below the waist.
Standing naked in front of them, in front of the windows which had light still coming in, had that insecurity of mine roaring back to the surface.
Xaiden stepped closer, a hand on each of our hips. “You’re both beautiful.”
Heat crept up my neck as I fought not to try and hide my body.
“So beautiful,” Xaiden rasped, placing a kiss to my shoulder then one to Val’s.
Val and I angled ourselves toward Xaiden and each other, forming a small circle of flesh. We both reached for Xaiden, our hands battling for purchase on his dick before Val gave up and instead reached behind Xaiden. Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to watch his fingers trace down Xaiden’s crease. Xaiden shook at the contact, his dick jumping between us. I started jerking him in earnest, loving how responsive he was to what we were doing.
His fists went back to our dicks, and pretty soon we found a rhythm that worked for all of us. Hands flew over hard dicks. Val’s fingers were still playing with Xaiden where I couldn’t see. We shared panted breaths, kisses, touches. I grew bold and brought my hand to Val’s ass, seeing if he’d like me playing with him while his other hand did the same to me. We pressed in closer, not able to get enough.
“Fuck yeah,” Val panted. “Don’t stop, neither of you. Work me good.” He thrust his hips forward into Xaiden’s fist then back onto my finger so I could breach him. That one push and he came hard, cum shooting from him, landing on Xaiden and me.
Seeing Val orgasm, seeing another man’s cum coat my skin, in combination with the twist Xaiden gave on my dick, and I released just as hard. A cry slipped past my lips as my hips moved fast, needing more, wanting this to never end.
When the last of the tremors left my body, I removed my hand from Val, him doing the same to me, and we both put our full attention on Xaiden, whose dick had precum seeping from the tip. I jerked him faster, coating him with the slick fluid. Val took mine and his combined releases in his hand and worked it over Xaiden’s stomach and chest, painting him with what he did to us.
Xaiden’s head fell back, the muscles in his neck standing out, and he came with a harsh cry, his cum mixing with ours. I didn’t stop touching him, running my fist from root to tip until he stilled my hand.
Our foreheads pressed together as we shared this moment, one none of us experienced before, not like this. Because this was more than I expected so it had to be for them too. This was the beginning of something beautiful. And while Xaiden said he’d get possessive; I could now see how easily he could because I was feeling something too. Something that had me clutching these men and wanting the night to go on forever.