My shift ended a while ago, but I just finished giving reports to the doctor taking over. We had started but then a woman arrived in labor, crowning by the time we got her lying down. She delivered in the emergency room with us both there. The baby girl was healthy, and they were currently stable, waiting for transport to another hospital since we didn’t have a labor and delivery unit.

One of the nurse practitioners on shift stopped next to where I was taking a minute to gather my thoughts. It used to be work on my mind but now two men had invaded the space.

“If the baby would have been a boy, I think she would have named him after you,” Autumn said with a smile.

“It’s been a while since I’ve delivered a baby. It’s a welcome change to the trauma that comes in here. A happy reason for a trip to the ER.”

She sighed wistfully. “I miss when my kids were babies. Not that I want another one. I like that they’re teenagers now and more self-sufficient, but there’s something about that sweet face staring up at you like you’re their entire world.”

“And now they’re moody and want nothing to do with you.”

“Pretty much.” She glanced around. We were in a lull. We both knew it wouldn’t last long, which was all the more reason for me to finally head out. “Any plans for tonight?”

“You mean beyond a hot shower and sleep?”

“I don’t know how you haven’t been scooped up yet. A single, good-looking doctor. You should have them lining up.”

I thought of Val and a smiled tugged at my lips.

“Oh, you do have someone, don’t you?” She propped her elbows on the counter and rested her chin on her hands. “Tell me everything.”

“You know I’m not like that.”

“Come on. I’ve been married for twenty-three years. Give me something.”

“I went on a date last night, but it got interrupted. I’m not sure if that was a bad thing or not.”

“Interrupted how?”

I took a few seconds to consider how much I should say. I didn’t have many close friends. It wasn’t like I could go to JJ and talk to him about what was going on with Val and Xaiden. Though, Xaiden wasn’t really part of the equation. Autumn wasn’t a gossip. Anything I told her would stay with her. I also knew she wouldn’t care if I was dating a man. Her sister was married to a woman.

“His name is Val, and he works for a friend of mine,” I said, putting it out there that I was bisexual.

“And?” Autumn prompted, making me relax.

“We were about to sit down for dinner last night and a friend of ours stopped by. He’s dealing with something difficult. We ended up on my couch with him between us, just sitting and talking. It was nice.” I didn’t want to say Xaiden’s name. It wasn’t common and those who lived in Dremest knew the names Dexen and Xaiden as well as they knew the name of the very city they resided in. Breaking Xaiden’s trust wasn’t going to happen.

“It wasnice? He interrupted your date. How was that nice?”

Groaning, I dropped my head back and closed my eyes. “He’s very attractive. Both Val and I think so, but he’s straight. He’s also hurting. It wouldn’t be right to press him for more.”

“Did he give you any inclination he likes both of you as more than friends?”

I thought back to the way Xaiden’s head rested on my shoulder. How he seemed to relax when he was between Val and me. Eventually, I had slid over on the couch and so did Xaiden. Val was able to sit down properly then. We kept Xaiden tucked between us, touching him with reassuring fingers, letting him know he wasn’t alone. It was hard seeing the man who everyone thought was so tough be anything but. I wanted to shield him from the world. Prevent him from getting hurt again.

We ended the night with hugs. Val pressed another kiss to my cheek which Xaiden saw, his eyes following the gesture. I couldn’t decipher what was going on inside his head. I wished I could.

“We hugged,” I finally said. “That was all.”

“I agree you shouldn’t press him. Was Val upset that your date got ruined?”

“No. He was as fine with our friend being there as I was.”

“Interesting.” She tapped her finger on her chin. “Aren’t you friends with the Altairs?”