JJ’s voice turned fake wistful. “Because I adopted you off the street. A young lad who thought he could steal my shit. I showed you what you did was wrong and brought you on the path to being a law-abiding citizen.”

I couldn’t hold in my snort. “Sure, you did. Right after you told me your name, which also told me who your father was.”

A hint of sadness crossed JJ’s face. He didn’t want to, but he missed his father. The prick was still alive. He removed himself from his son’s life. He was doing the right thing, just way too late. JJ had seen a different side of the raging asshole he normally got, and that side showed the mafia boss had a heart. It was probably the size of my thumbnail but there was something beating in his chest. JJ still grappled with not seeing him. My best friend was happy, in love, leading a good life. His father wasn’t there though, choosing to stay away from his only child.

“You should go,” he said, clapping me on the shoulder. “Suit up if you need to, though by the sounds of it I don’t think you’re losing your virginity tonight. Be yourself. If you want to find the right person, you have to show them every side of you.”

“I don’t know how to be anything else.” I was always me.Always.

“I know. It was a reminder. Corbin is a good man. Solid, friendly, and warm. He’s not from our world. He didn’t grow up like we did. I know our lives were different, we still had a shit upbringing. You deserve better. Corbin will treat you with respect.”

I nodded then nudged him out of the way with my shoulder. This conversation got too deep too fast. “You don’t have to sell me on him, Jay. I already want him.”


Stopping, I turned to face him. “Yeah?”

He reached for me and pulled me into a hug. It wasn’t the gentle, tender hug Corbin gave me. This one was letting me know JJ cared about me and only wanted the best. I patted his back, told him I appreciated him, and then kicked his ass out. I was not about to get sappy. He laughed all the way out the door.

My nerves had left me for a while there. Once I was in my Mazda, starting it up, they returned with a vengeance. Lucky me. I cranked on the air-conditioning, even though it wasn’t close to being hot out, just so I wouldn’t sweat.

Like JJ said, the drive was quick. I got there in seven minutes due to two red lights near the shop and some asshole driving like they owned the road and could go under the speed limit. I did not have patience for most of the population. It was another reason why I preferred to stay in my apartment when I wasn’t working or down at the shop.

The condo building Corbin lived in wasn’t tall. Only four stories but there were multiple buildings in the complex. I found the letter of his building and got lucky with a parking spot nearby.

The building was beige on the bottom and white on the top. Nothing that screamed luxury, but it was a nice area like I knew it to be. The landscaping was well taken care of. There wasn’t trash lying around and the cars in the lot looked decent. Mine probably brought the value of the properties down by being parked here.

I sent Corbin a quick text to let him know I had arrived like he told me to. By the time I got to the door, he was opening it and, damn, he looked good. Jeans hugged his hips showing off his legs. They were lean but strong. He wore a navy button-down with the top two buttons undone, letting me see a tiny bit of chest hair. The sleeves were rolled up, giving him a more casual look. And he had a bit of sauce on the corner of his lips. It was either that or cum, which I highly doubted. Either way, I wanted a taste.

“Hey, how are you?” he asked in greeting.

Instead of answering him, I reached up and captured that bit of sauce with my thumb then sucked it off. “Alfredo?”

“Yes,” he whispered. It came out rough. I loved the way his eyes were glued to my lips. “I, um, I made chicken fettuccine alfredo. I hope that’s okay.”

“I’m sure it’s great. If I don’t have to cook, I’ll enjoy it.” I smiled, my nerves melting away. What had I been so worked up over? Okay, I knew. There was a lot. Seeing Corbin’s reaction to me helped me relax. I had some power in this. I also wasn’t alone. We were both feeling our way, learning.

“Come in.” He held the door open for me.

His condo was on the second floor. It was bigger than I expected. There was a spacious living room with a tan sofa. A TV sat on a low cabinet. The dining room was connected, and behind the couch, there was a four-person round table with a delicate-looking light fixture hanging over it. Two place settings were waiting with empty plates and glasses. The walls were white, probably the same that had been here when he moved in. The floor was what I assumed was a laminate. There weren’t photos hanging on the walls or overall touches of a place well lived in. This looked like he was staying temporarily, which he was since he rented. Even that though felt… blah.

“Sorry, it’s not much,” he said, a blush creeping up his cheeks. “I didn’t want to try and decorate. Plus, I don’t want to waste money on things I don’t need. I’m saving for a house. Eventually. Hopefully.” He shrugged. “One day.”

“You don’t have to explain it to me, Doc, but thank you. I appreciate you wanting to tell me.”

He nodded. “Dinner’s almost done. I made a garlic butter and have it on rolls in the oven.”

“I’m here for that.”

I got a smile out of him again. Like the one I saw when he came down to let me in. “I’m glad you’re here, Val.”

“Me too.”

I helped get the food on the table as well as drinks. We were about to sit down when there was a buzz at the door.

Corbin frowned. “I’m not expecting anyone. I’ll be right back.” He walked to the panel and hit the button. “Yes?”

“Corbin?” I recognized Xaiden’s voice.