I had always wanted to be a mother, but I never expected it to happen the way it did.

Dominic's existence had not been planned.

He was a product of my brief fling with the man I was now expected to live with as his nurse.

While I didn't regret his birth or the joy he brought into my life, I couldn't help but feel conflicted about the circumstances that led to it.

I wished that things had happened differently, that I hadn't been swept away by passion and had taken more precautions.

But as I watched Dominic play with his toy, I knew that I had to focus on the present and the future.

I was determined to provide him with the best life possible, despite the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead.

And if that meant living with the man from my past, so be it.

Dominic's well-being was my top priority, and I would do whatever it took to ensure his happiness and safety.

Although I loved being a mother, the thought of leaving my son with a man who was once just a fling filled me with apprehension.

Since I was only going to stay with Dante’s family temporarily, I wouldn't take Dominic with me.

I had decided to leave him with my best friend, Jessie, who had already taken care of him before.

It wasn't an easy decision, but I knew it was the best for Dominic's well-being.

I trusted Jessie completely, and I knew she would take care of him like her own.

As I carefully packed my shoes, a pang of guilt tugged at my heartstrings.

Leaving him behind was not an easy decision, and I knew it would be hard for him to understand why I had to go.

He was too young to comprehend the complexity of the situation, and I struggled to find the right words to explain it to him.

However, I promised myself that I would make it up to him and spend as much quality time with him as I could when I returned.

I would fill his days with laughter, love, and unforgettable memories, making up for the time we had lost while being apart.

Fortunately, I was granted weekends off from my nursing duties, and another nurse would take over during that time.

I had discussed my situation with Dr. Evans, and he was understanding enough to grant me that request.

It was a relief to know that I could spend time with my son on weekends.

However, during the weekdays, I had to put all my focus and energy into my job and ensure that everything went smoothly.

The doorbell rang, and as I opened the door, my best friend Jessie stood on the other side with a big smile on her face.

We hugged tightly, and I showed her to the guest room where she would be staying while taking care of Dominic.

It wasn't easy for me to ask her to leave her own home and stay here, but it was the only option I had.

As a single mother, I was juggling my career and my responsibility as a parent, and I needed someone I trusted to take care of Dominic while I was away at work.

Jessie was more than willing to help out, and I was grateful for her kindness.

Her genuine love for children made me feel better about leaving my son in her care, and I knew he was in good hands.

It also helped that Dominic was well acquainted with Jessie, so he wouldn’t feel uneasy that he would see her face around more often.