"How can you reconcile your involvement in the mafia with the life we could build together?

Can you truly separate yourself from the darkness that surrounds it?"

I took a deep breath, knowing that my response could either bridge the gap between us or drive us further apart.

"Angela," I said earnestly, my gaze meeting hers, "I understand your concerns and respect your fears. While I can't deny the presence of darkness within the mafia, I believe we can navigate through it together. I'm committed to being transparent with you, to ensuring that our relationship is built on trust and honesty.”

The tension in the air remained palpable as we both grappled with the complexities of our intertwined lives.

The path ahead was uncertain, but our willingness to confront the challenges head-on spoke of a shared determination to carve our destiny.

As Angela's words echoed in my ears, a wave of shock and sorrow washed over me.

She spoke with an unwavering resolve, her eyes filled with both love and determination.

"Dante," she began, her voice trembling with a mix of sadness and conviction, "I have to be honest with you. I can't bear the thought of bringing a child into this world. Our son deserves a life free from violence and fear."

My heart sank, and I could feel the weight of her decision pressing upon me.

I reached out, desperately grasping for any words that could change her mind.

"Angela," I pleaded, my voice filled with a blend of desperation and love, "I understand your concerns, and I share them too. But I can't imagine my life without you. We can find a way to protect our child and shield him from the darkness surrounding us. I'll do whatever it takes to keep our family safe."

She looked at me, her gaze unwavering yet tinged with profound sadness.

She reached out and gently touched my face, her touch both comforting and bittersweet.

"Dante," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of longing and determination.

"I love you, and it breaks my heart to leave. But I can't ignore the risks, the constant danger that hovers over us. I can't subject our son to a life where he may be forced to make choices he shouldn't have to make. Leaving is the only way I can ensure his safety."

"Angela," I choked out, my voice filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination.

"I can't change your mind, but I won't give up on us. I'll do everything in my power to create a different path, a life where our son can be shielded from the darkness of my world. I'll prove to you that we can find a way to have both love and safety."

She looked at me, tears welling in her eyes, and inhaled deeply before raising her hand to clean her face.

She looked at me with conviction.

“I’ll come back tomorrow to resume my duty as your father’s nurse, and after he has recovered, I’ll take my leave.”

“Angela-,” I called out, but she quickly stood up and walked away.

At that moment, I realized she had decided and wasn’t ready to change it.

It seemed there was no choice but to accept her decision, as painful as it was, but I knew I couldn't let her go without a fight, not without exhausting every possibility.

With determination coursing through my veins, I vowed to find a way to honor both our love and our son's well-being.

Our journey would be challenging and fraught with obstacles, but I couldn't bear the thought of a future without Angela and our child by my side.

Chapter 15


Ithadbeenaweek since our conversation in that restaurant, and the weight of my decision still lingered heavily within me.

I found myself caught in a web of conflicting emotions as I continued my role as a caretaker for Dante's father.