“Hey.” I managed to get out through my throat.

I swallowed drily.

“Come in.” She stepped inside, making space for me to enter.

I inhaled deeply in a discreet manner and made my way into her home.

Her apartment was not large, but neither was it small.

It was a moderate size and suitable for a grown woman and a child.

It exuded a humble yet comforting atmosphere, perfectly suited to her role as a nurse working in a private hospital.

My gaze roamed over the simple yet tasteful decor.

The living room featured a cozy sofa adorned with soft cushions, inviting relaxation after a long day of caring for patients.

“Where’s your best friend?” I asked, remembering that she had told me about her best friend who watched over Dominic during the week while she performed her job as a nurse at the bedside of my father.

“I told her you were coming over, and she decided to give us some privacy,” Angela responded.

“Oh.” That was all I said, although I was interested in meeting Angela’s best friend.

With all I had heard about Jessie, I was interested in seeing how much of a character she was.

I also had to thank her for being a source of support for Angela and our son.

In the corner, a small bookshelf held a collection of well-loved novels and medical reference books, a testament to Angela's passion for learning and her dedication to her profession.

In its simplicity, Angela's apartment emanated a sense of contentment and reflected her humble nature, providing a peaceful haven amidst the demands of her profession.

As nice as it looked, I knew I could provide much better for Angela and our son, and as much as I wanted the two of them to move in with me, I would respect Angela’s decision.

At the same time, I could also understand where she was coming from.

We didn’t know how Dominic would react to me, let alone to a completely different environment and a bunch of people he had never seen in his life.

My focus then moved to the walls, and I saw that they were adorned with framed photographs, capturing cherished memories and personal milestones of herself and a small child.

My eyes widened when I saw the small child.

My son.

This was my son?

I walked over to the portraits to get a clearer view of him.

I could vaguely feel Angela’s gaze on me, but I ignored it in favor of committing my son’s features into my head ahead of physically meeting him.

“Where is he?” I asked when Angela walked over to wrap her arms around me while placing her head on my shoulders.

“He’s playing with his toys in his room.”

“He sleeps alone?” I questioned, turning a bit to see the side of her face.

She snorted, probably at my protective tone.

“No. He sleeps with me. His room is more like storage for all his toys.”