"This technology has the power to change everything for us. Together, we will seize this opportunity and ensure our family's dominance in the financial game."

A resolute determination filled the room as we prepared to embark on this bold new venture.

We knew the risks involved, but the rewards would be incomparable.

With our united resolve and unwavering loyalty, we were ready to step into a future where our Mafia family's financial reign would reach unprecedented heights, and my company would step into a new level in the world of technology.


Today was Saturday, and I was currently waiting in my car outside Angela’s flat.

I was finally going to see my son for the first time today.

I was full of nervousness and anxiety.

How was I to act?

What was I to say?

What was I to do?

Gone was my confidence and aura of authority.

Gone was the air I carried as a leader and as a Don.

Now, I was just a nervous wreck of a father getting to meet his son for the first time.

I had already called Angela to inform her that I was downstairs, and she had given me the all-clear to head up to her apartment.

As I approached the door to the apartment where my three-year-old son awaited, a whirlwind of emotions churned within me.

Nervousness consumed my thoughts, casting doubts and uncertainties over my usually steadfast demeanor.

As ridiculous as I knew it sounded, would he recognize me as his father?

Would he feel a connection, despite the distance and the years apart?

A weight of anticipation rested heavily on my shoulders as I took a deep breath in an attempt to steady my racing heart.

This was the first time I would lay eyes on my son, a precious life that I had missed out on for far too long.

Time seemed to stand still as I reached forward to knock on the door, the significance of this moment reverberating through my entire being.

With every step I took towards meeting him, the intensity of my nervousness grew, mingled with an overwhelming sense of longing and hope.

The resounding thud of my knuckles against the weathered, wooden door echoed in my ears, momentarily drowning out the sound of my racing heartbeat.

Anticipation pulsed through my veins, mingling with a tinge of anxiety, as I stood there waiting with a bag full of toys in my other hand.

Seconds felt like an eternity as I anxiously awaited for the door to swing open.

And then, it swung open, revealing Angela on the other side, adorned in relaxed attire that belied the emotions swirling within me.

A mix of relief and excitement washed over me, momentarily dispelling the mild panic that had taken hold.

“Dante.” She breathed out and adorned a soft smile on her face.

It was obvious she could see how nervous I was when she reached out to hold my hand.