Kramaric's eyes widened with astonishment.

"You mean, we'll have the power to manipulate the financial markets in our favor?"

“That’s right,” Vito interjected with a wide grin on his face.

Vito was my right-hand man when it came to my company, while Kramaric was my right-hand when it came to matters related to the mafia.

Kramaric was ill-suited to be intimately involved in my company’s affairs, not because he was not capable but because he was simply not interested.

Despite how intelligent Kramaric was, he wasn’t known for tact.

He was a straightforward man, and as a result, his actions portrayed his personality very well.

Vito, on the other hand, found violence distasteful.

Of course, it didn’t mean he couldn’t take action or follow orders when it was required of him.

He simply didn’t have the energy.

Sometimes, I looked at the three of us and wondered how we got along with different personalities.

Most often, Kramaric and Vito were the ones to bump heads against each other due to their different personalities but it was rarely ever serious.

Most of the time, it was just banter.

I nodded, taking over from Vito and answering Kramaric’s question.

" Indeed. This technology will empower us to execute well-informed investments, acquire insider knowledge, and optimize our financial gains, all while maintaining a strategic advantage over our competitors.”

While Kramaric was amazed by the discovery, my stepmother, who had maintained her composure, chimed in, her voice measured.

"But Dante, how do we ensure that this technology remains secure and confidential? We can't afford any leaks. Are you sure that the people involved in this project won’t release to our competitors?”

Despite how calm she looked, her true emotions were betrayed by the excited glint in her eyes.

Pride coursed through my veins at how excited my stepmother was.

She was my consigliere, my advisor, my mother.

She raised me in place of my birth mother, who passed away when I was a child.

From the early days when I struggled to live up to my father’s expectations as his heir, she had been there, offering guidance, support, and unwavering loyalty.

When I had spoken up about wanting to start a legal business, she had stood beside me against my father’s vehement refusal.

Her unwavering commitment to our family's success, coupled with her genuine concern for my well-being, made her an invaluable ally.

I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude and admiration for her, recognizing that her presence had helped shape me into the leader I had become.

A sense of satisfaction washed over me as I addressed her concern.

"Rest assured,madre. I've taken every precaution. The algorithm is housed within an impenetrable server, shielded by layers of encryption, and secured in a hidden location. Only a select few will have access, and all communication regarding this matter will be conducted through encrypted channels.”

As I finished my explanation, a shared understanding passed between us.

The significance of this breakthrough technology and the potential it held for our Mafia family's financial empire was not lost on anyone in the room.

"I trust each of you implicitly," I stated firmly, locking eyes with each member of my inner circle.