In the midst of the night's chaos, it seemed as if he was not able to get a real good look at my face, even within close proximity of me.

Now that the smoke has cleared, apparently, so has his vision, and a glint of recognition sparkled in his eyes.

I turned my attention to Dr. Evans, deliberately avoiding Dante's gaze.

"You called for me, Dr. Evans?" I inquired, trying to maintain a composed demeanor despite the fluttering of nerves within me.

"Yes," he replied. "Mr. Cortini has requested that his father have his treatment done at home. However, we still need to monitor his vitals closely. Even though he is getting better, we want to ensure he experiences as much comfort as possible."

I nodded, still uncertain of where this was leading.

"So, Mr. Cortini and I have reached an agreement that a live-in nurse would be the best solution."

My heart sank as the implications of Dr. Evans' words settled in.

I didn't need to hear the final confirmation before a sense of apprehension washed over me.

"You are one of the finest nurses we have here, and I couldn't think of anyone else’s hands I would entrust Mr. Cortini's father into," he concluded, delivering the news I had feared.

"Therefore, I have chosen you to be the live-in nurse for Mr. Cortini's father."

Chapter 2


Shithitthefanthe moment I got to the hospital.

The image of my father lying in a hospital bed, vulnerable and weak, being attended to by the best medical team the hospital had to offer, consumed my thoughts.

The rhythmic beeping and whirring of the machines that monitored his vitals provided an unnerving soundtrack to my anxious musings.

A call from my stepmother earlier in the day had set off a flurry of activity as I scrambled to make my way to the hospital as quickly as possible.

The urgency in her voice had left me with an ominous feeling in the pit of my stomach, and the sight of my father hooked up to tubes and wires only served to confirm my fears.

My mind raced with questions and worries.

What was wrong with my father?

Would he recover?

How long would he be in the hospital?

I tried to push these thoughts aside, but they refused to be silenced.

The disentanglement of my mind from the murky thoughts it had fallen into quickly dissipated when the gunshots started.

I watched patients and hospital staff drop to the floor and take cover.

I knew this attack had something to do with me, and my men instantly went to work with a counterattack.

No matter how much I wanted to pull out my gun and join my soldiers in battle, my main focus was my father and his well-being.

I rushed to the room where they were treating him.

There, Dr. Evans was working frantically with a team of nurses.

“Where is Angela!” He shouted at his staff. Just then, a woman entered the room.