They could sense the heaviness in the air.

I motioned for them to take a seat as I tried to gather my thoughts.

"I know who betrayed our family. I had harbored suspicions and Giuseppe confirmed it," I began, my voice heavy with a mix of sorrow and anger.

"My mother, the woman who raised me, was the one behind the rebellion, the one who orchestrated it all."

Kramaric and Vito's eyes widened in disbelief.

They had no idea that I had suspected my stepmother's involvement all along.

This revelation was as shocking to them as it was to me.

Vito's brows furrowed in concern, his voice laced with sympathy.

"Dante, why didn't you tell us? We could have helped you."

A bitter smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

"I didn't want to believe it myself. I wanted to hold on to the image of the mother I once knew, the woman who cared for me but after the autopsy reports came in and it was revealed to me that my father had died due to poison, the evidence was there, hidden in plain sight. When I finally made use of our technology to trace her account, I couldn't deny it any longer."

Kramaric leaned forward, his voice filled with determination.

"What do we do now, Dante? How do we proceed?"

I leaned back in my chair, my gaze fixed on the wall as I contemplated our next move.

"We stay focused. We gather all the information we can, expose the truth to those who need to know, and bring punishment to those involved.”

Just as our conversation reached a tense pause, Clara, my assistant, entered the room with a letter in her hand.

Her presence was a welcome distraction, a break from the torrent of emotions that threatened to engulf me.

She handed me the letter. "This just arrived. It's from your stepmother."

I read the letter with trepidation, scanning the words before me.

My stepmother's demands were clear.

She wanted me to release Giuseppe, the man who had endangered the lives of Angela, Dominic, and Jessie.

Anger surged within me, fueling the fire that burned in my eyes.

How dare she make such audacious demands, as if she had any right to after betraying?

I crumpled the letter in my hand, the paper bearing the weight of my fury.

"I will not bow to her threats," I said, my voice low and filled with determination.

"Giuseppe will face the consequences of his actions. No one, not even my mother, will escape the consequences of their betrayal."

Chapter 41


Sittingontheresort'sbalcony filled my mind with swirling thoughts and conflicting emotions.

It was a serene setting, the gentle breeze carrying the scent of the ocean, but a storm was raging inside me.