
Ithadbeenachallenging week for me as a live-in nurse for Dante's family, and now, I was back at home with my son and my friend, Jessie.

The first thing I did upon arriving was to scoop Dominic into my arms and drop a lot of kisses on his giggling face.

I missed him so much!

After a few hours of relaxing and playing with Dominic, he was sleeping, and I now had time to catch Jessie up with how my week at Dante’s house had been.

Dante’s father’s health had been improving, and I had been doing everything I could do to ensure that he was comfortable and well taken care of.

The Vitalin we have been giving him has boosted his system and heart at a rapid pace.

Dante had been a great help, but he had a lot on his plate as well, trying to manage his family's affairs.

Each day, I woke up early to prepare Dante’s father’s meals and medication, making sure that everything was administered on time.

I monitored his vitals closely, trying to anticipate any changes and address them promptly.

In the afternoons, I helped him through a set of light exercises to keep him physically fit.

Despite not having a personal connection with him, I couldn't bear to see him suffering.

It went against everything I stood for as a nurse - to alleviate pain and promote healing. Witnessing someone in agony always took me back to a dark place in my past.

When I was a child, my parents were killed in a car accident, and that trauma left a lasting impact on me.

I was left feeling helpless and alone, and it was then that I realized the importance of healthcare professionals.

The nurses and doctors who took care of me during that difficult time gave me hope and comfort, and I wanted to do the same for others.

I couldn't help but think of my parents and the empathy that the healthcare workers showed us.

I knew that I wanted to give back and become a nurse, so I could provide the same level of care to others in their time of need.

It wasn't just about administering medications or checking vitals. It was about being a source of comfort and support during their most vulnerable moments.

And although it wasn't always easy, it was fulfilling to know that I was making a difference in our lives.

Despite the challenges, there were some bright moments.

Dante's butler, Luigi, had been a great help, taking care of the household and providing some much-needed respite for me.

Dante's older sister, Caterina, has also been a joy to be around, offering a bright spot in the difficult and unfamiliar week.

I discovered that she was getting married soon, and it was fun listening to her tell me all about my plans for our wedding.

With our family’s wealth, it was sure going to be an extravagant wedding.

I had mixed feelings about Dante’s mother, Isabella.

On one hand, she seemed incredibly hardworking and devoted to the family business.

I often saw Dante discussing important matters related to the company with her, which surprised me.

I had assumed she would be at her husband’s side during his final days.

However, I rarely saw Isabella visit her husband.