As the final preparations were made, weapons checked and ammunition loaded, I could sense the readiness that radiated from my men.

"Let's move out," I commanded, my voice carrying the weight of authority.

With that, we set off, our steps purposeful and resolute.

The night enveloped us as we ventured into the unknown, guided by a singular purpose.


As we approached the location, I signaled for a halt, my hand held high.

"Stay alert," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Our target is just ahead.”

The house loomed before us.

It was here, behind these walls, that Angela, Jessie, and Dominic were held captive.

With a determined resolve, we closed in on the house, our footsteps purposeful and steady.

The time for negotiations had passed.

We would fight and we would succeed.

Chapter 37


Iwokeupindarkness, disoriented and groggy.

The throbbing pain in my head served as a grim reminder of what had occurred.

As my vision adjusted, I saw the dimly lit surroundings, the cold concrete walls of a basement closing in on me.

My heart pounded in relief when I saw my son after so long, sitting near me, albeit he was bound just like I was and his face was red and blotchy with tears.

I tried to move, but fear gripped my heart as I realized I was bound, unable to move.

Panic surged through my veins, my instincts urging me to break free but the tight ropes constricting my wrists and ankles kept me imprisoned.

My eyes darted to Dominic, my precious son, who was huddled close to me.

His tear-stained face mirrored my anguish.

I longed to comfort him, to assure him that everything would be alright, but I couldn’t.

Beside me, Jessie was also restrained.

Her eyes were filled with a mix of fear and determination.

Despite wishing that none of us were here, I couldn’t help the glimmer of comfort I felt on seeing Jessie here with me.

How had it come to this?

I questioned myself.

The choices I had made, had brought us to this harrowing moment.

I knew the risks involved, but love had blinded me to the potential consequences.