As I walked towards the confrontation, I vowed to stay focused, to channel my emotions into a relentless pursuit of the truth.

The trap had ensnared the traitor, and now it was time to face the consequences of their betrayal head-on.

Chapter 35


Thedaysstretchedintoan agonizing blur, and still, there was no news about Dominic.

The weight of uncertainty pressed down on me, suffocating me with its relentless grip.

It seemed as though the world had grown silent, withholding any hint or clue that could lead us to our missing son.

Dante, with his vast network of connections and resources, had exhausted every possible avenue in his search for Dominic.

Yet, even he, with all his power and influence, had come up empty-handed.

It was a cruel twist of fate that even the combined might of the mafia couldn't unravel the mystery surrounding Dominic's disappearance.

Every passing moment intensified my distress.

I questioned myself, wondering if there was more I could have done to protect Dominic, to shield him from the clutches of danger.

The guilt gnawed at my conscience, tormenting me with its relentless whispers.

The support of our loved ones was a bittersweet comfort.

Their presence offered solace in the face of despair, their words of encouragement a temporary respite from the overwhelming anguish.

But deep down, we all shared the same fear, the same anguish that gripped our hearts with an iron fist.

The emptiness in our home mirrored the emptiness in my soul.

Dominic's toys lay untouched, his laughter no longer echoing through the halls.

Every corner, every room, held memories that pierced through my heart, reminding me of what we had lost.

The nights were the hardest. In the stillness of darkness, my mind would wander into the depths of despair.

I would envision scenarios, both terrifying and heartbreaking, imagining the pain Dominic might be enduring.

The weight of not knowing, of not being able to protect my child, threatened to consume me entirely.

I clung to hope, fragile though it was.

It was the flickering light amid the darkness, the anchor that kept me from spiraling into complete despair.

I prayed fervently, with every fiber of my being, for Dominic's safe return.

I pleaded with whatever higher power would listen, bargaining with fate for his well-being.

But as the days turned into weeks, the absence of any news became more suffocating.

It was as if Dominic had vanished without a trace, swallowed by the vast abyss.

The frustration and helplessness swelled within me, threatening to drown me in its depths.

Dominic's smile, his innocent eyes filled with wonder, fueled my determination.