In those moments of uncertainty, I found solace in the support of our loved ones and friends who rallied around us, offering their prayers, assistance, and comforting words.

Their presence reminded me that we were not alone in this harrowing ordeal and that we had a network of people who cared deeply for Dominic's well-being.

As each day passed without any news, the weight of despair threatened to engulf me.

But I held onto the glimmer of hope that Dominic would be found and brought back to where he belonged.

Chapter 34


Daysturnedintoanagonizing blur, each passing moment stretching into eternity as the search for Dominic yielded no leads.

Despite the combined efforts of my men, seasoned in the ways of the underground and well-versed in gathering information, we hit a wall of silence.

It was as if Dominic had vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind.

The frustration within me grew with each passing day, fueled by a sense of powerlessness.

How could it be that in a world where connections and resources were seemingly limitless, we were unable to uncover even a shred of information about our missing son?

It felt as if the world had conspired against us, closing its doors and sealing away any clues that could lead us to Dominic.

Angela, mycaro, was a pillar of strength but even she could not hide the torment that consumed her.

Her once radiant spirit now flickered with anxiety and desperation.

I saw the torment etched in her eyes, the sleepless nights, and the unending worry that etched lines upon her face.

Her heart ached for Dominic, her maternal instinct driving her to the edge of sanity.

I held Angela in my arms, her trembling body pressed against mine, feeling the weight of her worry seep into my bones.

My heart bled for her, for the pain she carried, for the sleepless nights spent wondering where our little boy was and if he was safe.

Despite their best efforts, the authorities were just as clueless as we were.

It seemed that Dominic's disappearance had left them as perplexed as it had left us.

They tirelessly pursued leads, questioned potential witnesses, and scoured every inch of the city, but the trail had gone cold.

The absence of any solid lead only served to deepen the sense of despair that loomed over us.

Days turned into weeks, and the darkness of uncertainty still clung to our lives.

But I knew that giving up was not an option, that I had to continue fighting for Dominic.

My loyal and unwavering men combed through every contact, pulling threads that might lead us to the truth.

But the underworld, too, seemed to have closed ranks, shielding Dominic's captors with a chilling silence.

As each day passed without any breakthrough, my anger simmered beneath the surface, fueling my determination.

I knew that I had to delve deeper, to tread into dangerous territory where my influence and connections could potentially unearth the truth.

The absence of any news regarding Dominic's whereabouts weighed heavily on my heart, and with each passing day, my worries intensified.

As a father, I couldn't help but imagine the fear and confusion my young son must be experiencing at the hands of unknown individuals.