With my father not having a long time to live, there were many things to take care of.

My family- the Cortini family was the biggest and most powerful mafia family on the East Coast.

We controlled and monitored the smaller mafia families.

Of course, it was not something that was well known.

The Cortini family had two sides; the legal side and the mafia side.

On the surface, the Cortini family was the owner of a renowned technology company that was very successful in its endeavors, but behind closed doors, it was a whole other world.

It was strange living in two worlds.

One moment I would be attending a charity event or business meeting, and the next, we would be discussing illegal business dealings in a dimly lit room.

Despite the dangers and darkness that came with our mafia connections, I couldn't deny the bond and loyalty that existed within our family.

We took care of each other and always had each other's backs, no matter what.

It was a strange mix of love and violence, loyalty and betrayal.

My father had already passed over his seat as the Don of the Cortini family to me two years ago when his health had started declining.

Regardless of him no longer being the Don, it didn’t mean that he no longer held any form of authority in the family.

However, it meant that there were some rivals or smaller gangs that would try to use this as an opportunity to create disorder amongst the ranks.

We needed to set up more security measures and prepare for potential conflict, especially since there was going to be a meeting involving all the Dons of the various mafia families very soon.

It was tradition to set up a meeting bi-monthly where all the Dons would gather, and we would discuss important matters.

The topic of this meeting would be the progress of Vitalin, a miracle drug that healed many ailments and a fairly new venture for the mafia.

Almost a year ago, five mafia Dons from across the country were kidnapped by the Illuminati and given a proposition to change how the mafia was perceived.

Distribute Vitalin to the masses for profit, and the positive results will paint the mafia as saviors instead of villains.

They knew that Vitalin would not be FDA-approved because of the addictive components and the fact that it would crash the pharmaceutical industry.

So selling it illegally was the only way to get it to the masses without getting their hands dirty.

Since then, the mafia has completely revamped its business motto.

Seeing that this venture was bigger than the Five Families, they decided to spread the wealth to all the mafia families throughout the country, making many of them instead billionaires.

In mafia fashion, we all quickly laundered our money into legitimate businesses, from building casinos and resorts to buying cruise lines and property.

The bi-monthly meetings we hold serve as an update on everyone's progress and the status of the authorities.

We hit the market running, and Big Pharma has taken a major hit.

People are no longer getting as sick as they once did.

Cancer, AIDS, immune diseases, blindness and most other ailments are slowly becoming a thing of the past as Vitalin builds an army of strong defenses within the body to combat viruses, bacteria and deterioration.

Seeing there is no way to stop Vitalin from reaching the masses, Big Pharma desperately looks for ways to reverse-engineer the drug, only to find that the addictive side effect could not be left out.

This is something I will have my father take right away.