The traitors may think they have the upper hand but I would emerge victorious,

The game was far from over, and the stakes were higher than ever.

Chapter 31


AsJessieandIsat down for our heart-to-heart conversation, the topic of Vito's interest in her popped up.

I couldn't resist teasing her but underneath my playful countenance, a sense of worry gnawed at my thoughts.

After all, Vito was not just any ordinary man, he was deeply entangled in the world of the mafia as one of Dante's closest confidants.

I leaned back in my chair, a mischievous twinkle in my eyes.

"So, Jess, Vito has set his sights on you, huh? I must say, you've got good taste."

Jessie chuckled, her face lighting up with a mixture of shyness and excitement.

"Yeah, it's a bit unexpected, but there's just something about him that I can't ignore."

I playfully nudged her arm, a hint of concern tugging at my heart.

"I won't deny the intrigue, but you do realize what you're getting yourself into, right?

Vito is deeply involved in the mafia, just like Dante."

Jessie's expression turned thoughtful, her eyes searching mine for understanding.

"I know, Angela. Trust me, I've thought about it. But it's not just about the mafia; it's about the person behind it all. Vito has a different aura, a magnetic presence that draws me in. I want to explore what could be between us. Just like you wanted to explore between yourself and Dante."

I sighed inwardly, torn between my role as a supportive friend and my relationship with Dante.

It was a delicate balance to maintain.

"Jessie, I understand your attraction to him, I do but you also need to consider the risks involved. This world we're in, it's dangerous."

Jessie reached out and gently placed her hand on mine, her eyes filled with a mixture of determination and conviction.

"Angela, I appreciate your concern, but you and Dante have found a way to make it work. You've accepted the risks, and you're both still standing strong. I want to believe that Vito and I can do the same."

Her words struck a chord within me.

She was right.

Dante and I had embarked on this unconventional journey, fully aware of the dangers that lay ahead.

Perhaps Jessie could find her way to navigate the difficulties of being involved with someone within the mafia.

I squeezed Jessie's hand, a mixture of worry and support filling my voice.

"Jess, I won't pretend that it'll be easy, but I trust your judgment. Just promise me that you'll be careful and that you'll listen to your instincts. If things ever feel off or if your safety is compromised, promise me you'll walk away."

Jessie nodded, her gaze unwavering.

"I promise, Angela. I won't be reckless and I'll always prioritize my well-being."

As our conversation continued, a mix of worry and hope swirled within me.