With a heavy heart, I decided to confide in her.

She had always been there for me and she was the only one I could fully trust.

Taking a deep breath, I called her.

She answered right away.

I told her that I needed her and she walked through the door moments later.

Began to share my concerns.

I spoke of the hidden enemies and the possibility of betrayal from within our ranks.

It was a difficult admission, acknowledging the vulnerability that comes with leadership, but I knew I could trust my mother with the deepest secrets of my heart.

As I poured out my worries, mymadrelistened attentively, her gaze never wavering from mine.

She understood the weight of my words, the gravity of the situation.

When I finished, there was a moment of silence, as if the room itself held its breath.

"My son," She finally spoke, her voice carrying the familiar warmth and authority I had come to rely on.

"You are not alone in your suspicions. Your father, may he rest in peace, faced similar trials during his time as the Don. But he was a man of great insight and cunning."

I leaned closer, hungry for her advice, eager to uncover the path forward.

"Tell memadre,how didpadrehandle such treachery? How did he deal with those who deceived him and planned against him?"

My mother's eyes gleamed with a mix of nostalgia and determination.

"Salvatore laid a trap. He allowed the whispers of betrayal to spread, creating an illusion of vulnerability. And when the traitors felt secure, he struck with a force they never saw coming."

Her words sparked a fire within me, a realization that I could use their deception against them.

"A trap," I repeated, the idea taking hold.

"I must be patient, observant, and strike when they least expect it."

Mymadrenodded, her expression filled with pride.

"Yes,mio figlio. Trust your instincts, watch closely, and gather the necessary information. The signs of betrayal often reveal themselves in the subtlest of ways."

With renewed determination, I grasped my mother's hand, feeling her love and support coursing through me.

"I will be vigilant,madre. I will not allow our empire to crumble under the weight of treachery. Those who dare to betray us will face the consequences."

Her smile enveloped me, a beacon of strength and encouragement.

"I have faith in you,mio caro. Just as yourpadredid. Protect what is rightfully ours.

After I ended the conversation with my mother, I felt calmer and confident.

I would expose the traitors and unravel their web of deceit.

With mymadre'sadvice echoing in my mind, I prepared to navigate the dangerous game that lay ahead.

I would lay my trap, gathering the necessary pieces of information and waiting for the opportune moment to strike.