One emissary took a step forward with anger etched on his face.

"You think we can just forget the past and pretend to be a happy family? This wedding is nothing more than a facade!"

I held my breath, fearing that his words would ignite a fresh spark of conflict, but Dante stood his ground, his voice unwavering.

"I understand the pain and history between our families, but today is a chance for healing and renewal. Let us not taint this moment with bitterness. However, if you're adamant about causing trouble, you are free to leave."

I couldn't see Dante's expression, but whatever it was, it made the emissary take a step back.

A tense silence hung in the air, and for a moment, I feared that all was lost, but then, another emissary, visibly moved by Dante's words, spoke up.

"He's right. Thisis la sorella del Capo'swedding day. Let us set aside our grievances for her sake."

The sentiment seemed to ripple through the room as a collective sigh of relief replaced the tension that had gripped us all.

Slowly, the emissaries backed away as their anger tempered down.

Dante's gaze found mine, and he made his way back to me, his steps heavy with the moment's weight.

I reached out to grasp his hand, offering silent support and gratitude for his efforts.

"That was quite an intense situation. Are you alright?" I asked him with concern lacing my tone.

He looked at me, his eyes reflecting a complex blend of emotions.

"It was unexpected, but I couldn't let it ruin Caterina's special day.

Besides, they should have known better than to start a fight at my sister's wedding."

He then fixed me with a smile and held a hand out to me.

"Enough of that. Would you care to dance with me, Mio caro?"

I smiled and placed my hand in his before he pulled me close and twirled me around on the dance floor.

As the night wore on, the reception continued with renewed vigor.

Laughter echoed throughout the venue, and the dance floor became a place of uninhibited joy and celebration.

"How about we get out of here?" Dante whispered in my ears with a sensual undertone, causing me to shiver. I leaned back and stared into his eyes.

"What about Caterina?" I asked.

"I'm sure she'll be fine without us. Besides, there's no need to stay here when we can do…something else." Dante nipped my ear, causing me to jolt in his arms.

"Then what are we waiting for?" I grinned.

Dante's eyes brightened, and he immediately pulled me away from the area.

Luckily, Dante and Caterina had decided to host the reception at a luxurious five-star hotel, so there was no need to return home.

The halls passed in a blur as we laughed and hurried down them with Dante leading me by my hand.

It was as if we were high school kids sneaking away for a quickie, which wasn't far from what we were doing.

Finally, we arrived at the elegant room, as expected from Dante.

When we entered, our actions slowed down.