Page 64 of Who I Really Am


Concern enters her expression.

“Okay, I am exaggerating, but it happened, scout’s honor.”

She dashes her head. “I don’t understand. That’s a lot of charges.”

“What can I say? I’m an overachiever.”

Dang, she’s cute when she rolls her eyes.

“Should I be worried? Maybe I’m the one doing the aiding and abetting here.”

I chuckle, pleased she’s not freaking out. More, the distraction seems to be working, so I launch into a play by play of the previous night.

“I thought you said you weren’t drinking?” she challenges as I wrap up my story.

“I wasn’t. Trust me, there’s drinking, and then there’sdrinking.And I certainly wasn’t driving.”


“Don’thmmme, young lady.”

“You’re basically a cop, Marco. You should pay your tickets.”

“Tell that to your big brother the next time you see him.”

Her brow scrunches. “Tripp?”

“They were his from last year, from before I bought the truck from him. There was some foul-up in the registration process, so guess who ended up in hot water.”

“You didn’t have to pay, did you?”

“Nope, but Tripp sure better drive carefully.”Jerk.

She starts with her hands again. “Please tell me I haven’t ruined your friendship?”

Oh, man. She’s becoming agitated again. “Absolutely not.”

“I’ve kind of been wondering what happened yesterday. When I got your text, I was worried. Tripp was furious with me, but…you guys are okay, right?”

She sounds so, so hopeful. I open my mouth to ease her mind, but the lie snags on my newfound distaste for untruths.

“You’re still fighting, aren’t you?”

“We’re past fighting. It’s just…over. But none of it’s your fault.”

Quiet again.

“Look, I’m sorry I brought it up. I didn’t intend to, but I’m—”

“Angry,” she finishes for me.

“Nope. Past that too. It is what is. I’m very chill about things now.”

I hear what sounds like a snort.

“Pardon me?”