Page 44 of Who I Really Am

She shakes her head, adamant. “But I don’t want you here.”

Okay, that stings an inordinate amount. “I’m not leaving you here alone, Annalise. And since you won’t let your family know…”

Her eyes squeeze closed. More tears leak out. “So…youknow?”

Pause. “About the baby? Yeah. And I am so, so sorry.”

More tears trail her cheekbones and drip off her chin. “Don’t you get it? I…I can’t even look you in the eye, Marco. I’m…I’m so messed up.I’vemessed up sooo bad.” She hiccups, a sob about to break free.

Something shakes loose inside me. I drape my arm above her head on the pillow and take her hand with the other—I’ll be danged if she gets to pull away. I hold tight and get right in her face. “Look at me, Annalise.”

She shakes her head, eyelids battened down.

I touch her chin. “Look at me.”

She does, her gorgeous blue eyes awash with tears.

“Do you really think you need to be embarrassed around me?Me?Of all people? I know you’re ashamed about the other night at Jake’s, but hey, remember, I was there, too.”

“But you’re a man.”

I screw my face up. “You seriously think that makes a difference?”

“No, but the rest of the whole world does!” She sniffles.

This girl. I pat my jeans pockets, in front, in back. Pat my shirt pocket.

Dashing at a tear, she squints up. “What are you doing?”

“Dang, I can’t find the scarletAI always carry with me.”

“Shut up.” But I almost see a smile. Almost.

I grab her gaze again. “I’m serious, Annalise. You get no judgment from me. Zip. Zero. Zilch.”

I can’t read her thoughts. I feel the tiniest bit of guilt, because, if I’m honest, well, her position as my best friend’s sister has earned her a special status. However, I will be rethinking a number of my attitudes going forward.

I think that I’ve gotten through to her, but after the almost-smile, she pulls away, hard, and I have no choice but to retreat, because see, I totally respect women and their boundaries. I stand, hoping that, with a little space, she might at least allow me to stay.

She fixes on the wall. “Go, Marco.”

“Li—Annalise. Please.”

A smart man would be on fire to get out of the messy drama he was unwittingly sucked into by a great body and come-hither eyes. But I’m not because this girl—this woman—has a pull on me I can’t wrap my head around. Besides, somebody has to keep an eye on her. She’s improving, but a long way from health and wholeness. Of course, what she needs is her family.

She shakes her head forcefully, or at least with as much might as she can muster. “Get out, Marco.” Still weak, her voice, cracks.

I squint as if I’m trying to figure her out, but I’m only stalling.

“Now.” Her eyes squeeze shut. “Leave now, or I’m calling a nurse.”

Alrighty then.

Straightening, I take a backward step. It grates, but she means business. “Alright, I’m leaving.” She doesn’t look at me—so I guess that’s that. “Get better, okay?”

With the next words out of my mouth, I’m blown away. “I’ll be praying for you, Annalise.”
