Page 147 of Who I Really Am

He saidthey. I’m certain he means Tripp, of course, but who is the other part ofthey? For once I’m glad Marco is in a cell in Dallas, safe and sound.

But that leaves Tripp, walking into a trap…alone?

More prayers lift.

“So, this is about revenge, right?” I’m trying to sort things out in my mind. I mean, I may be in heaven soon, with complete knowledge and all, but curious minds want to know now.

“Oh, you’re a smart one, aren’t you? But, yes, my brother and I had a plan, and your brother’s interference ruined our business model. I’m a fair man, but Walker didn’t play fair, all his lies and roleplaying. One more month and I’d have been out, and I’m telling you, our business was about to explode. Your brother cost us, so I’m here to collect. Family should stick together, don’t you think?”

Some should be ripped asunder, if you ask me. But, generally, yes. Family should be there for each other. Have each other’s backs. Mine does.

I wish I’d leaned into their support sooner. Now, it may be too late.

Dellswings his leg as if he has all the time in the world, but I see he doesn’t like to wait and is even getting a little antsy. He seems confident Tripp is on his way. I don’t know whether to pray he hurries or that he doesn’t come at all. I do love my annoying, obnoxious big brother.

I sneeze again, and it’s a mess. No less grossed out than his underling was, Dell orders Bedhead to bring me something for it. The kid disappears, returning a minute later with a wad of toilet paper. I clean up as best as I can one-handed.

Movement at the patio has me glancing. Theopenpatio door. Tripp! He slides in, silent, plastered to the wall, gun in hand. Avery hasn’t noticed. I discreetly tap her leg to warn her, but I’m too late. The second she sees, she gasps.

Well, it is the instinctual reaction.


Caught off guard, Dell spins, but Bedhead fires. Tripp stumbles back, bright blood staining the wall where he falls.

I hear Avery, but my scream is silent.

A trail of blood, already darkening, stretches from the breakfast room to the center of the living area where Tripp lies unconscious at our feet, ruthlessly dragged there at Dell’s order. I think he may have hit his head when he fell. Blood, stemming from his shoulder area, stains his shirt in ever-increasing dimensions.

He moans once. Twice. Stirs. His eyes flutter.

Dell digs his loafer into my brother’s side. “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

Why have I wasted so much anger on this brother who loves me? The visceral explosion building in me now? Righteous anger.

Another kick. “Sit up.”

It’s a struggle, but Tripp pulls mostly upright, an ottoman supporting his weight. I wilt with relief, seeing him conscious and sitting. But for how long? The stain is still growing.

Dell glares down. “Where is Gonzalez?”

Tripp’s color is scary. “Jail.”

“That’s not true. He was with you at the bar. Where is he now?” He digs the nose of the gun into Tripp’s temple. If I read it right, the guy is scared all of a sudden.

“We were together, but he turned himself in. It’s you and me now, Blaisdell. We can settle this ourselves.”

He digs the weapon into Tripp’s temple. “Oh, I’ll finish things, Walker, but I want to be sure you know what’s coming. Besides…” He flashes an evil leer at Avery and me. “There are worse things than a quick death.”

Oh, Tripp. I’m sorry! I’m sorry for mocking you for wanting to protect me! For not understanding. I see now!I see.

“We can settle this, man. Just the two of us.”

Dell laughs. “Oh no we can’t. You messed with my family, Walker. Now I mess with yours. Fitting, don’t you think?” He jams the gun hard, then backs away.

Words can’t describe the horror that overtakes my brother’s face. In an instant, I grasp why he guards us all so fiercely.

“Stone, get the rope from your bag. Let’s tie this pig up so we can get on with business.” He kicks Tripp in the thigh. “Not that this one’s going far.”