“You played house with my baby sister for days. You lied to me when I couldn’t find her. Worst of all, you deprived me, not to mention her own mother and father, of being there when she needed us most.”
When you put it that way…
I brace for the fist I feel coming, the one I deserve. Instead, he visibly shakes something off, pulls himself together, and locks his eyes onto mine.
“And you call yourself afriend.”
“Hey there, you little flame thrower, you.”
“Here you are!” Adjusting the sheet, I feel a happy smile self-generate. Marco’s face peering through the curtain, handsome and kind, is far more welcome than the oh-so somber faces of my family. I feel my smile grow. “I do know how to pick my moments, don’t I?”
Grinning, he adjusts the ball cap on his head. “I think your brother’s head is about to explode.”
“Already has. Avery’s talking him down even as we speak.”
“Has he read you the riot act yet?”
“No, and honestly, I doubt he will.”
“Good. But, just in case, stay strong, sister.” He raises his hand and we fist bump.
Sister? I know it’s only a figure of speech or whatever, but I’m not digging the connotation.
I pull Marco closer. “Come on. It’s safe. They went to find coffee.”
“I know. I saw them leave.”
Pulling my legs in, I pat the bed. “Sit.”
“I knew you’d let me into bed eventually.” Rakishly grinning, he waggles his eyebrows.
“Hey now!” The meds I was given have alleviated my fever for the time being, but heat rushes back. On the upside, his words kind of take care off the whole sister issue.
Chuckling, he drops to the mattress and squeezes my knee. “Kidding, kidding.”
I like the way his touches emphasize his words.
“So. How you feeling?”
“Better.” I cover my face. “Oh, Marco, this is soooo embarrassing. You won’t believe what happened. The infection isn’t back. The doctor says it’s—”
“The flu—but they’re doing additional bloodwork since you were recently sick.”
He repeats my doctor’s words verbatim. “How’d you know?”
Another chuckle. “I was listening from a few bays down. I’m a secret agent, remember?”
I swat at his hand. “You’re obnoxious.”
“And you’re adorable, so we’re even.”
Adorable? I don’t get how that makes us even, but…everything has changed between us. I can’t say how or when, but it happened. I grab his hand and hold on tight. I want to hang on forever. Tripp is miffed, but he’ll get over it, and—
“Hey, let’s talk.”
My heartbeat grinds to a near stop because the winning smile that twinkles my toes is replaced with a sober line. “About?”