Page 127 of Who I Really Am

I hear another snuffle. “Look, Walker—”

Ignoring me, Tripp steps nearer. “Hey, are you crying?”

Allie bats at her cheek. “None of your business.”

“Annalise Michele Walker, tell me this instant what is going on, or I will get it straight from Gonzalez—catch my drift?”

My insides groan. I can fight if I have to, but I’d rather not, all things being equal. But Annalise quiets me with a hand to my arm. “Fine. He’s taking me to the hospital.”

Tripp seizes her hand. “I knew something was wrong. Tell me.”

Tears by the dozen bubble up. Poor thing is at a breaking point. “I-I’m sick. I have a fever and body aches.”

Tripp’s eyes shoot me a question because, yeah, normally those symptoms aren’t middle-of-the-night, ER material. “So you have the flu or something. I don’t get it.”

He looks atmeagain as if I’m supposed to answer civilly. Worse, as if I’m to blame. Well, he can bluster all he wants, but her secret is safe with me.

“It might be more than that.” I touch her fingers over the lowered window. I’m here either way, but the decision is hers.

“More? I don’t follow.”

No wonder she bolted. Man, the lack of privacy her family affords her is epic.

She bats at her cheek. “Look, I can’t explain it, but I have to go, and I want Marco—”

“Uh-uh.” Tripp leans in. “The secrets stop here, sis. No joke. And if anyone is taking you to the hospital, it’s me. Got it?”

I fully expect foot-stomping to ensue.

“Fine. I might have an infection. I was sick last week, and I think it’s come back.”

“Sick how?”

Andthere’sthe foot stomp. “Just sick, alright? I don’t have to tell you anything! It’s personal.”

“And it’s so serious you have to go to the hospital in the middle of the night?”

“Look, if you don’t want to take me—”

“Didn’t say that, but it seems like an overreaction.”

“And you would know, oh wise one.”

“You know, I want to help, Annalise, and I don’t understand why you’re being so darned secretive.”

She spins to me. “Will you take me now?”

A slow nod. “Hop in.”

Firing a glare at me, Tripp puts his hand on the door like that will somehow stop me. “Over my dead body.”

“That can be arranged!” Annalise takes a step but Tripp blocks her.

I’m reminded suddenly of my embarrassment over my family’s public feuding—was it only last night? Now, I’m just praying no one calls the po-po on the Walker clan.

“Okay, you want the truth? Fine. You don’t know what you’re asking for, but you sure do deserve it.”

Much as I’ve advocated for running to the bosom of family, it shouldn’t be like this. I lay my hand on her arm and give a gentle squeeze.