Page 124 of Who I Really Am

“You do know this yahoo’s idea of a long-term relationship is one that lasts until sunup, right?”

Waning energy slumps my shoulders. “Leave him alone, Tripp.”

“Oh, I’m just getting started.”

“Why are you attacking him? He’s your friend.”

“Is he?” He shoots another glare at Marco, who is staring at the concrete.

This is so unfair. Marco has been nothing but a gentleman, done nothing but cater to my every need and help me during the worst time of my life—and this is what he gets for his trouble? I get right back in Tripp’s face. “Yes, he is. And yourfriendwas there for me when I needed someone.”

Tripp’s dark eyes search mine. “And why did you need someone so desperately?”

I should have quit while I was behind. My failures—no, my sins—hover over me, but I can’t. Ican’t. I make my arms a shield “It’s none of your business.”

“Aaannnd we’re back to that.” His hands slap his sides.

I turn away and see Avery looking on. Marco staying close.

Tripp hangs his hands on his waist. “You leave me no choice but to assume the worst.”

“No choice? That’s your takeaway here? You can’t give anyone the benefit of the doubt, can you? It’s always do or die, worst case scenario with you!”

“Would to heaven I weren’t always right.” Raw emotion scrapes his voice.

For a moment, my anger does a head fake as I glimpse into the deep well that is my brother. He’s lived so very much of his life on the dark side, I guess I can forgive him a little of his pessimism. And after all, aren’t his fears about me well grounded?

His expression softens. “I’m worried about you, Lise. None of this is like you, and you look awful. But I can’t help if you won’t tell me what’s wrong.”

“I never asked you to help,” I throw back, but the fire in my chest has cooled.

“Well, sorry, but I’m here anyway. We’re family, and I only want what’s best for you. You know that, right?”

Oh, I know, not that it helps any.

“And look, I don’t mean to be a jerk here, not to anyone.” He looks meaningfully to Marco. “But as your brother, I would be remiss if I didn’t warn you that this guy is not what’s best. Not for you.” He glances again at Marco. “And I think, if he’s honest, he’d actually agree with me on this point.”

I follow his gaze, expecting to find anger, but Marco has shoved his hands in his pockets and looks a bit like one of those sad pets in those awful commercials asking for donations. I want to reach out, but suddenly I’m in a no-man’s land, caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. Marco has done so much for me, but my brother is…well, my brother.

What only a few minutes ago I thought was fairy dust, I realize now was nothing but West Texas sand.



“He’s not back yet.”

I glance at Avery snuggled under the covers but propped against the headboard.

She holds up her phone. “Tripp texted.”

Letting the curtain slide closed, I get back in bed and pull the covers clear to my chin. Ever since the brouhaha in the breezeway, I haven’t been able to get warm no matter what I put on or how high I crank the heat. Avery is being a good sport about the room’s temperature, but sixty degrees outside really isn’t all that cold. Must be my coastal blood is too thin.

Or it’s the fact that I know I hurt Marco. I feel like I’m the one who pushed a loving pet from the vehicle and left him at the end of a dark road. Why did I stop defending him? Doesn’t matter that I suddenly felt about to fall over, Marco deserves my undying support. I can never repay him for all he’s done, for all he’s put up with—and all during his own time of crisis.

I’m sorry.

That single text has sat unanswered for five hours now. His truck is still in the lot, but he is MIA. I watched him walk away from the drama, the accusations, the insults. I didn’t call after him. I didn’t follow.