Page 120 of Who I Really Am

I nod convulsively. “I was so sick. Sepsis. If Marco hadn’t found me…”

Another big squeeze, but it quickly lessens. “Wait…Marco. It wasn’t…”

I pull back. “No! Gosh, no! I’ve only known him a couple of weeks!” I’m a touch hurt, that, or annoyed she went there. Why does everyone want to pile on Marco?

“Of course. I wasn’t thinking for a minute.” Nodding, she bites her lip. “You’re better now though, right?”

“I was in the hospital for almost a week. I got out on Monday.”

Her mouth tightens. Is that the disappointment I’ve expected?

“Hmm, well, I guess you taking off with Marco makes some sense now, but, Lise, you should have—youcould—have told us. We’re your family. We love you. You don’t have to go through this alone.”

I shake my head, adamant.

She sighs. “I guess I can understand how you’d feel that way.”

Except for my sniffles and snuffles, we’re quiet for a minute.

“Wait. It was that Kyle guy, wasn’t it?”

My head whips up. Oh, right. I’d forgotten Avery met him. She passed through town on her way to Houston this summer to go to some big bridal show with her sister. We all had lunch.

“Are y’all still together?”

I shake my head and something passes across her face. “What look was that?”

She clicks her perfectly manicured fingernails. “I probably shouldn’t say it, but I’m glad you broke up. I got a bad feeling off that guy.”

Yes, well, damage was already done. And don’t I wish my guy radar was as keen as everyone else’s? It sure would have been nice to get a heads up on Kyle before I sold my soul, and for the stupidest reasons at that.

I’m like a pipe, frozen in the cold, bursting when it slowly warms back to life. I spill my guts with the same force, gushing my insides all over the place. All over poor, sweet Avery. She listens gently to my tale of woe, my explanations, my justifications. My regret. Occasionally patting my back or squeezing my hand, she feeds me tissues as needed. She never presses, but I guess my need to unburden myself is profound.

Of course, Marco has been my sounding board, but Avery is practically my sister, and she’s also a believer, so she gets the deeper wounds, plus, well…girl talk, you know?

Once all the ugly truths are out there, I wilt into a heap on the bed, Avery still patting my hand, her compassion and kindness blessings I don’t deserve. My eyelids flutter and fall. I’m on the verge of blessed sleep when realization shoots me upright. Flipping my hand around hers, I squeeze the life right out of it. “You can’t tell, Tripp, Avery. Promise me you won’t tell Tripp!”

Her mouth works, and while that happens, I telepath my plea with every fiber of my being.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Lise.”

Is she joking? Of course, I’m embarrassed, and that’s not nearly a strong enough word.

“You know, your brother’s human, too. He’ll understand. I know it wasn’t the best thing, but when you love someone, it’s hard and—”

I press my hands to my ears. “Eeew. Ick. I don’t want to hear about you and my brother!”

“I wasn’t talking about us.” But her face reddens. Uh, yeah. Yeah, she was.

I clutch her arm this time. “Please, Avery. Don’t tell. You can’t.” Yes, I’m putting her in a difficult position, and if I could undo the last fifteen minutes, I would. Or not. Pride is unbecoming, I get that...but does that mean Tripp has to know? I mean, he’s mybrotherfor crying out loud.

Her jaw snaps shut. “I won’t tell.”

So I’m a selfish jerk. Sadly, that’s the best I can muster.

Spent, I want to sleep, but I’m also cold and long for a hot shower. I take one, and when I emerge later, Avery is texting on her phone, sipping a drink from the vending machine. Surely the guys will be back before long. I pray Marco is finding answers.

I dress in more of my new purchases, then comb through my wet hair. Finished, I pull my hands inside the long sleeves, because even after all that hot water, I’m shivering.