Page 118 of Who I Really Am


The room is quite dark when I close the door, the blackout curtains doing their job.

“No!” I practically shout as Avery reaches for a light switch. “I mean, I’m about to get into bed, you know?”


But she doesn’t sound sure of anything of the sort. I know I’m being rude, but I immediately cocoon myself into the covers. I’ll worry about my hands later.

I swivel onto my side, the movement feeling like I’m hauling a hundred-pound weight along with me. Shouldn’t I be better by now? I’m young, so I’m supposed to spring back like a rubber bouncy ball. Isn’t that how this works? “Avery?”

“Hmm?” I hear her lower herself onto the other bed.

“I’m sorry I’m not much fun. I’m just so tired.”

She’s quiet for a heartbeat. “I don’t expect you to entertain me, Lise.”

I hear the lingering, hoveringbut…

ButI’m too tired—and there are no good answers anyway.

“Hey there, sleepyhead.”

Over by the window, in the lone chair in the room, sits Avery, her face lit by the blue glow of a phone screen. I push up onto one arm. “Did I sleep?”

She laughs lightly. “Uh, yeah. It’s almost five.”

“Wow.” I push my hair from my face, then remember my bruises and shove my hand down, though I think it’s too dark for her to see. “Umm, I need the little girls’ room.” I fish around in my bag for the foundation but can’t find it anywhere.Grr. “Be right back.” I actually do need the restroom.

When I’m done, I’m relieved to find the lights still off, so I go back to my bed without much worry. I lean on the headboard but tug the covers up to my chin. The AC must be set on Arctic blast.

No sooner am I settled than she switches on the lamp by her chair, soft light flooding the room. I return her smile, even as my stomach churns. I suppose expecting her to ignore the elephant in the room is asking too much?

Her eyes are fixed in thought. “So…at the risk of sounding like your brother—”

“You are not my brother.”

She startles, washing shame over me. My words were innocuous, but my tone was not. Truly, I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. Or maybe I did. Who can tell about me anymore?

She looks down at her hands. “I’m sorry. I’m overstepping, aren’t I? We’re not even family yet.”

“What? No. Avery…wearefamily. It’s just…”I have issues I’m not ready to confront.

“You have a right to your privacy, Lise. I know that—and I also know your big brother gets a little confused about it sometimes.”

I am thrilled Avery will soon be a permanent part of my family. Tripp needs the balance she provides.

I like to think of myself as a smart person, but sometimes, I do the dumbest things. Things like saying, “So, you were saying something?”

Why oh why do I take the conversation back to where we left off, back to where my future sister-in-law was about to dig into all my secrets? Glutton for punishment? A guilty conscience?

“Wait, forget I said that.”

She smiles sweetly, but that’s Avery. Everything about her is sweet and good and innocent.

I wish I were still that way.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hound you about anything, only…you and Marco, huh?”