Mouth in a twist, he shrugs with his forehead. Kind of an I’m-dropping-the-subject-for-now-butsort of look. I feel like I’m sending poor Marco off to be devoured by an angry lion the moment they’re out of sight. But what can I do?
Abandoning the untouched food, we all stand, me tucking my hands away as best I can, Tripp sneaks the ticket and heads for the register. Marco seethes quietly.
Outside, Tripp tries to get me to ride with him and Avery. Using my so-called luggage as an excuse, I climb back in with Marco, hoping he’s not sorry I did. I wouldn’t blame him if were ready for some space.
The relief is palpable when the doors are shut, my obnoxious and nosy big brother on the other side. Don’t get me wrong. I do love my brother. He’s not a bad guy, but at a time like this…see? This is why I, well…ran.
Of course, another part of me wants to hug his neck and cry on his shoulder. Poor Marco has had to fill the comforter role instead, and I can’t thank him enough for it.
Ever sensitive to my moods, he reaches for my hand, threads his fingers with mine, then sweeps his thumb back and forth across the ugly bruise.
He asks me where I want to go, so I get out my phone, pick the closest motel I find, and direct him to it.
Tripp and Avery pull behind us beneath the motel’s portico. While I’m gathering my things, Dear Brother meets me at my door. “This place is old, Lise.”
“And you’re getting snobby in your old age, Trippster.”
“Find another one, one with indoor entrances.”
I swing around. “No.”
“Let me guess. This one isn’t safe enough?”
“That’s where you’re wrong. It’s safe enough forme, andI’mthe one staying here.” I slide out of the truck so abruptly he has to jump back.
But he blocks my path, his voice ominously low. “Another one would be safer.”
I shove past. “This isn’t the hood, Tripp, and I don’t have any drug dealers after me. I’ll be fine.” I spin toward the motel entrance, but doggone if my equilibrium isn’t off.
His hand shoots out, holding until I’m steady. “That’s it. I want to know what’s wrong with you!”
My back is to my brother, so I close my eyes for a long second before turning—carefully this time. I school my vocal cords into strict obedience. “I. Am.Fine. You’d be wobbly too if you were running on practically zero sleep.”
He lets me go, but not until after a good long stare-down. Worse, he trails me into the lobby, unshakeable. I’m debating how to get my card out and sign whatever forms while still hiding my hands, when Marco starts asking him questions, questions I’m sure could have waited. Bless Marco to the moon and back.
I’ve managed to tuck my wallet back in my purse when Avery appears at my side. “Do you mind if I hang with you while they go do their thing?”
It isn’t that I don’t love Avery. I do, already like a sister, but I crave solitude for now. Guess I’ll be sneaking off to the bathroom to slather cheap foundation on my hands and pray that does the trick. I paint on a smile. “Of course not, but I do need to sleep for a while.”
She assures me she could use a nap, as well, and then we find the room and the guys carry our things in for us. I follow them to the door, calling out as they step back into the filtered sunlight. “Marco.” He turns, tired and so haggard I want to cry. “I’m praying you find answers.”
His smile is small but laced with gratitude as he opens the passenger door on Tripp’s shiny new truck.
“Oh, and Marco…” I feel Tripp’s watchful eyes on us. I have things to say, but it isn’t as if this crowd is going to give us any privacy. With our gazes meeting, I will him to know what I’m saying.Please don’t tell my secrets.He frowns for a second, and I worry I’ve insulted him. He’s been loyal and quiet as a mouse thus far.
Still, I breathe a sigh of relief when he flashes me a wink, totally reassuring but filled with enough flirt for me to see the Marco I’ve come to know and—
Okay. Not finishing that thought. I’m in over my head and going down for the count as it is.