Page 106 of Who I Really Am

Well, she isn’t gone, and yet I’m in as little hurry as ever to have a one-on-one with my best friend.

Formerbest friend.


What he said, the accusation, was unforgivable. Not being a baby here, but that stung. No, stabbed. How could my friend, the guy who knows me better than my own mother these days, think so low of me?

And yet…he’s working still on my behalf? I don’t understand. People don’t do that sort of thing. Truthfully, I did mess up. It’s a bro code thing. Man, if he knew the whole of it…

Annalise sighs gustily. “I’m sorry, Marco. I’m being a baby.”

“No, you’re not. You’ve been through a lot, and healing takes time. If you’re not ready, you’re not ready.”

“True, but I’m not making things easier for you.” She turns her head, guiltily, to the window. Not that she’s letting me off the hook, I’m sure.

So, yeah, she’s not helping me feel better about abandoning her, and I admit, I can’t stop thinking about pulling a U and finding a cabin at timberline.

Not a snowball’s chance, as they say. I’m going to own up to my mistakes, take my consequences, whatever they may be. I’m a law-and-order guy, even if the law isn’t always right.

The quiet isn’t awkward per se, but I have this growing sense of much unsaid between us, and it’s all swirling around the cab of the truck. I crank up my eighties playlist and let the hard beats add a pulse to the tense space. Halfway througha song about a girl who's on the run,Annalise, arms crossed, asks me to please find something else.

I switch to something slower, which does take the mood down a notch.

“Don’t you have any music from this century?”

“Uh, no. Don’t be throwing shade, girl. Who listens to that garbage anyway?”

So, slow it is, until we make a pitstop and I pick up another coffee and a snack. My eyelids are flagging and the music isn't helping. I wander around, waiting for my partner in crime to finish up in the restroom but decide it won’t hurt to wait in the truck. I want to shoot my mom a text anyhow.

Sipping the steaming liquid, I watch from behind the wheel as Annalise comes out of the convenience store. She’s wearing her discount-store clothes, but…man, women must hate her. Exhausted and no makeup and she still looks like a million bucks, driving home the point that life is indeed not fair.

The thing is, I’m one of the lucky ones. Not because I’ve had the privilege, for days now, to bask in her beauty, to kiss those lips, but because I’ve gotten to see behind the curtain. What I found there wasn’t perfection. Perfection would have been a disappointment. She’s a real person, one with plenty of flaws but a sense of humor and a good heart. It’s the imperfections that complete her beauty.

Ithunkmy head against the rest. Good thing I’m probably going to jail because otherwise I’d be in over my head with one Annalise—Allie—Walker.



Entering Lubbock city limits an hour later, I notice a firm set to Annalise’s chin.

“I can help you, you know.”

“With what?”

“Finding this guy you’re looking for.”

A little devil hops onto my shoulder. “I can use a maps app myself, thank you.”

Her jaw drops. “That was low.”

True, but now that we’re here, my adrenaline is pumping. There isn’t a single, solitary part of me that is okay with going down for murder—especially when I know, in the pit of my gut, that I was only defending myself. “Going to put all that investigative experience to work, are you?”

She flips her hair back. “Hey, you don’t even know. We women can track down our crushes like deer in hunting season. We’ve even been known to do stakeouts in their neighborhoods.”

Her eyes sparkle, and,wow.My estimation and appreciation of her rocket off the charts. I set up the offense, but she punted, refusing to be insulted. “Fine. You can come with me to talk to the guy.” No harm in that. “But then…”

She throws herself back, kind of pouty-like, into the seat. “Thenyou can drop me off somewhere, but don’t think you can make me get on an airplane. I’ll go home when I’m good and ready.”