Page 144 of Truly Forever

“Tyler mentioned you brought a lady to Brayden’s birthday party.”

“Party? You mean the birthday fiasco? Yeah, I made that mistake.”


“I should never have inflicted my family issues on Hollie.” That mess, combined with the rest of my missteps, could not have helped my cause.

“Hollie. Nice name.”

“Dad. Don’t make a big deal. We’re not seeing each other anymore.”

“But you were? That’s the first name I’ve heard since Deann.”

Yep. I learned to keep my personal life, what there was of it, to myself. “Our relationship was more of a…” I toss for an appropriate descriptor. “A work thing, I guess.”

“You took a work thing to a family event?”

I bite back a word. “Okay, look. Yes, I thought maybe what we had was more, but I screwed it up like I do everything.”

“What did you do?”

Hello? “The birthday party for one.”

“That wasn’t your screwup, John.” The father tone has kicked in.

“Not only should I not have taken Hollie, I shouldn’t have taken myself, Dad.”

“You were invited.”

“Yeah, well, I got the distinct impression that was more Dani’s doing than Tyler’s. Either way, I never should have gone, especially not without you and Mom.” That was probably the original intent behind the invite anyway. It’s sickening that I need my mommy and daddy to talk to my own son. And quite possibly not even then.

The sea of red in front of me appears to be shifting right. I flip my signal and wait to be let in. “You still there?”

“I’m here.”

I sigh. “Go ahead and say it.” I know there’s something on his mind.

“Now, don’t take this the wrong way, son, but…your boy has problems.”

Tyler has appointed himself my worst enemy, yet I still feel myself bristle on his behalf. “Yeah, and you’re talking to problem number one.”

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

I factor his weighty tone into the simple statement and let its meaning sink in. Sure, I’ve wondered if any of Deann’s mental health issues got passed along, but I teed whatever predispositions which may have already existed up for failure. Regardless, Dad’s never gone near this topic before. “Deann’s problems were her own.”

“I’m not talking about mental health. Tyler has a hard heart and blinding, unresolved anger. I’m worried about him.”

“Same here, but that oneison me, Dad.”

“Maybe. But for how long? How long does Tyler get absolution for his screwups while you carry his load on top of yours?”

I find a gap and wave to the patient soul who let me into the one lane that’s moving.

“He’s an adult now, John. Let him grow up and own up. You’re Mr. Personal Responsibility, aren’t you?”

He knows me well. Haven’t I told Hollie the same thing? And Jacob isn’t even a legal adult yet.

I rub my forehead as the crawl continues.