She looks up as I come in.“Ragnar! Long time no see,” she teases. “I guess things with Bradford are going well, since you’ve been there every night this week.”

“Yeah, Amelia thinks that you’ve disappeared,” Gorlag adds. “You should come over for dinner tonight. Bring Bradford.”

“Thanks, guys, but I can’t,” I say, sitting down next to Gorlag. “I have to go back to Atlanta. Permanently,” I add.

Gorlag nods. “I was wondering when you’d have to take off,” he said. “From what I’ve been reading in the business news, it sounds like your company’s really hurting without you there.”

“Yeah. Apparently all of my past sins have finally been forgiven.”

“That’s great,” Emily says quietly. “But we’ll miss you, Ragnar.”

“I’ll miss you too,” I tell her. “And Amelia.”

“And me,” Gorlag says, elbowing me in the ribs.

I grin. “And even you. But we’ll come back to visit, and you guys should come up to Atlanta and stay with us soon.”

“‘We’?” Emily asks.

I nod. “Bradford’s coming with me. He’s moving into my place, actually.”

“Way to go!” Gorlag says, high-fiving me. “I’m happy for you, man. He’s a good guy. Don’t fuck this up.”

“I don’t plan to.” I laugh. “But thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“I think this is wonderful,” Emily says. “And we’ll definitely visit you, Ragnar.”

“Thanks,” I smile at her. “It’s harder to leave this town than I expected.”

“That’s that magic of Green Haven,” Gorlag says. “It sucks you in. Some of us never leave,” he adds.

Emily kisses him. “And are the better for it.”

I smile as I watch them. And an honest-to-god lump forms in my throat at the knowledge that I’m going to miss seeing Emily and Gorlag. Even though I’ve been spending so much time with Bradford lately, knowing that one of my best friends was in the same town as me was more comforting than I would have ever imagined.

I glance at my watch. “Guys, I’m sorry to do this, but we have to hit the road.”

“You can’t wait until Amelia’s out of school?” Emily asks, disappointed.

“No, I’m sorry,” I say again. “Traffic’s going to be a killer around the city.”

Gorlag stands up and I do, too. “Take care of yourself,” he says, giving me a one-armed hug. I return it, feeling a little awkward. We’ve never hugged before in our lives. As if he just realized this, too, Gorlag gives a sharp laugh. “I know, dude. It’s this town,” he says.

I laugh. “It really is.”

Emily comes around the counter and hugs me, too. “Come back soon,” she says. “You’re good for Gorlag. I need you to help keep him in line.”

“I think you and Amelia are more than up to that job,” I smile, and she laughs.

“True, but still. You’re welcome back anytime.”

I nod, suddenly choked up. I think I’ve felt more emotion today, leaving this town, than I have in my entire life up to this point.

After I leave the diner, I walk slowly across the square. I’m surprised at how many faces I recognize. At how many people smile at me and say hello. I didn’t think that I was that memorable, especially in a place that I’ve barely lived in. But I guess I was wrong.

Bradford is waiting in the lobby with his suitcase. “Ready for this?” I ask, and he grins.

“Let’s do it.”