“He wouldn’t shut up about it,” Gorlag says.

I frown. “Don’t remember him.” In fact, I don’t remember much from those days except the company of Gorlag and Kroth, and the many secret moments I stole with Bradford. He was always the more social one, making connections all over the school.

“Question two: Which bone do babies not have at birth?”

I blink. “Babies are missing a bone?”

Bradford shakes his head in a panic. “No no no, I know they’re born with three hundred bones that fuse down to about two hundred while they grow.”

Gorlag’s mouth falls open. “That’s horrifying. No wonder they’re always crying.”

“Ooh! I remember,” Glenda says while snapping her fingers and scribbles down ‘kneecaps’.

“That can’t be right,” I whisper.

“It’s cartilage at first, no kneecap bones until around three or so.”

“How do you know this?” Bradford asks, sounding defeated.

Glenda smiles and shakes his head. “I dated a pediatrician for like, a week. It was the only thing he ever talked about.”

The night continues on, our answer sheets filling up and the competition becoming fierce. Even Amelia rejoins us for a few questions to shake her head in disappointment at the dumb adults who don’t knowLa Giocondais the real name forTheMona Lisa.

At the end, Bradford and I are tied. It all comes down to this one final question.

“Alright, last question folks: Which marine animals are known to hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift apart.”

Bradford’s eyes go wide. “Aww,” he coos. “Oh my God that’s adorable.”

“Which marine animals have hands?” I ask, thinking of whales and dolphins and octopi.

Emily walks back to our table with fresh drinks on a platter. “Wait,” she says, looking at our answer sheets. “You didn’t get that one? Come on, guys, it’s so easy!”

“Which sea animals have hands?They all have flippers or tentacles!” I cry.

“Oh, I’ve seen that video online,” Amelia says between sips of her chocolate milk. “And yes, itissuper cute.”

Bradford smacks his fists against the sides of his head. “Come on, come on, I can’t lose now, I’m so close!”

My brain flips through every animal possible and, finally lands on the only one it could be. Bradford looks me in the eye. He knows the answer to. We both lean over the table and shout, as one, “Otters!”

“You’re not supposed to say it out loud!” the man in the mustache yells.

Trivia be damned, Bradford and I are too busy laughing at how we could both somehow forget about otters. He darts his hand across the table, puts his hand on the back of my head, and drags me over for a celebratory kiss.

And it’s so much better than any half off burger coupon.



I’ve had a few loud and annoying arguments with my agent before I finally hit on the perfect solution.

“Look,” I begin, sitting on the bed next to Ragnar. Having him nearby always helps because he can get angry on my behalf, and that reminds me to hold my ground. “I get it. You want me to keep working so my name stays on people’s minds. I want to stay in Green Haven for now. But there’s a way we can both have what we want.”

“What I want is for you to get down from whatever ‘true love solves everything’ cotton candy wonderbread crap you’re on and do some real shows!” my agent snaps. “Green Haven isn’t just a nowhere town. It’s a car ride away from nowhere! There’s no work to do there!”

“I think there is,” I tell him. “And I’ve been talking with Glenda about how to do it. Because Green Haven does have something that nowhere else does. It’s got natural beauty. Healthily maintained forest landscapes. Sure, there’s no fashion magazines out here, but talk with a few photographers, some ad companies…”