“Not exactly in my prime,” he sighs, patting a belly that doesn’t exist.

I let out a laugh of indignation. “Excuse me? Have you looked at yourself lately? If this isn’t your prime, then I’m afraid to see when you were.”

“You’re just being nice,” Ragnar says.

“Honey, come on,” I say, curling both my arms around his very muscular one. “You have nothing to be worried about. First of all, we’re all sick of looking at picture-perfect beautiful people. Contrary to popular belief, most of us appreciate folks with genuine personality over ripped abs. Both of which, may I point out, you have plenty of.”

Even with his green skin, Ragnar blushes ferociously.

“Plus you should see some of the guys Dylan has dated. Trust me. You belong. Ooh, thank you!” I say as I grab both of our coffees from the barista. I hand Ragnar his, letting my hand linger over his. “Just be yourself.”

Ragnar hums and nods. “If you say so, then I will.”

“That’s all I ever wanted.” I reply with a smirk. It’s a statement made in jest, but something about it seems to hit Ragnar a little deeply. His eyebrows lower as if in contemplation. I wonder if he’s taking it to heart.

It’s a short walk to the lunch bistro, but we’ve both finished our drinks by the time we get to our table. Dylan is too wrapped up in his phone to greet us, but Garrett and Taylor are eager to meet Ragnar.

“So this is the guy Bradford won’t shut up about?” Taylor asks while shaking his hand.

I want to hiss at him that he’s the one who should shut up. But Garrett elbows him in the side and takes Ragnar’s hand with a smile.

“A pleasure to meet you,” Garrett says before motioning for us to sit. He looks over at Dylan and flicks him on the ear.

“Ow! What? Oh. Is this Ragnar? Hey,” Dylan says before going right back to his phone.

Taylor snickers and rolls his eyes. “Ignore his rudeness. Boyfriend drama.”

“It’s not drama!” Dylan says, voice pitching into a squeak. “Look,” he says, shoving his phone in our face. On the screen is a photo of a guy in a suit. It looks like he’s having a conversation with another guy in another suit. “He’s totally cheating, right?”

I grab Dylan’s phone and snort. “Dude. Isn’t your guy at a business conference? Look at the hashtag. It’s networking.”

Dylan snatches his phone back and sneers.

“You have nothing to worry about,” Ragnar says confidently. “I recognize that body language. You see it all the time at business conferences. Your boyfriend hates that other man, and is simply posing for the photo op.”

Taylor and Garrett look stunned. Dylan somehow looks up from his phone and quirks an eyebrow.

“Ragnar, how do you know that?” I ask.

He nods his head and folds his arms. “Because I’ve seen that posture in many men who had to deal with me.”

The table erupts into laughter. Dylan drops his phone on the table and wipes tears from his eyes.

“Oh my God, okay Ragnar, you’re alright,” Garrett says. “I like this guy.”

The unusual ice breaker lightens everyone’s mood, but especially Ragnar’s. Having successfully endeared himself to the other guys, he opens up immediately. He’s so good at getting everyone to laugh and enjoy themselves, and we linger at the table for dessert.

Ragnar orders an ice cream sundae with extra whipped cream, and I can’t help myself. I love whipped cream. And I’m pretty sure we’re at that point in this relationship where I can get away with grabbing a fingerful for myself. So, I do.

Ragnar eyes me strangely, and I momentarily think I’ve crossed a line too far. Until he takes a spoonful and shoves it playfully in my mouth. Garret screeches in laughter as I wipe the majority of it off my face.

“Is that enough, or do you need more?” Ragnar asks, taking another spoonful.

Dylan darts his spoon out and takes a scoop for himself.

“Hey, this is my man, and only I have whipped cream rights here,” I say, clutching Ragnar’s arm possessively.

“It’s fine, actually. I probably don’t need to eat that much anyway.” Ragnar again pats his stomach and my heart sinks.