“Ugh,” Taylor says like a kid in trouble. “I recognize that sound. Absolutely not on my watch. Let’s go, check please!”
I know what he’s talking about, all of us do, but Ragnar is out of the loop. We pay our checks and join the others back at Taylor’s hotel room.
“Do not tell me you travel with all of this,” Garrett says, gesturing to half a dozen suitcases on the floor. Taylor waves his finger, turns on his heel, and opens up the closet door to reveal even more.
“No, I travel with all ofthis.”
“And it’s perfect!” Dylan snaps as he pulls two of them onto the bed and opens them up, grabbing at clothing at random.
Ragnar blinks in confusion and looks down at me. “Uh, what are we doing?” he asks.
I clap my hands a couple of times and cheer. “Body positivity modeling session!”
“Here,” Taylor says, handing a silk blouse to Ragnar. “You are going to put this on, and we’re going to do a photoshoot.”
“We do this all the time, when one of us starts feeling down on ourselves,” I explain while helping Ragnar into the blouse. It fits perfectly, just like I knew it would.
“It works every time,” Garrett says while pulling on some designer jeans and cowboy boots.
“After all, who knows the best lighting and angles for looking fabulous than models?” Dylan asks. He retrieves one of Taylor’s combs and gets to work fanning out Ragnar’s mane of red hair. By the time we’re finished, he looks like the protagonist in one of those classic bodice ripper romance novels.
He looks incredible. The boys position him, fuss over the lighting, coach him through pose after pose. And while I watch the chaos, and Ragnar’s good natured acceptance of his impromptu career change, something stirs in my heart.
It’s now I realize I never stopped being in love with him. My heart is fully open, in spite of everything. Even through all the time and hurt, it’s still always yearned for this amazing, handsome, funny orc.
Ragnar makes eye contact with me, shaking his head at Dylan’s fussing, but his smile is so wide and genuine. I smile back and shrug my shoulders, as if to say ‘what are you going to do’.
And yes, what exactly am I going to do? I’m in love, and always have been.
“What are you up to today?” Gorlag asks one morning at breakfast. Emily’s already left for the diner, and Amelia is upstairs getting ready for school.
“I don’t know,” I say, pouring more coffee into my cup. “Bradford and I were talking about checking out a nature preserve a few miles outside of town.”
Gorlag lets out a hoot of laughter. “Okay, what the fuck have you done with the real Ragnar?”
“What do you mean?” I ask, deliberately not looking at him as I sit down at the kitchen table.
Gorlag fills his own coffee cup, shaking his head. “You’ve gone from the most work-obsessed, competitive orc I’ve ever known to someone whose entire day consists of hanging out at a nature reserve with his boyfriend.”
I shrug, trying not to grin. “I don’t know, dude. This just feels more important than work right now.”
Gorlag looks at me, his face serious. “Shit, this is the real thing, isn’t it?”
“I don’t know, but I hope so,” I admit. “It feels like the second chance I never hoped that I’d deserve. Not after being such a shitbag the last time.”
“Bradford’s a good guy, but so are you,” Gorlag says. “You both deserve to be happy.”
I shrug again, uncomfortable with how sentimental we’re being. This is not how Gorlag and I usually talk to each other. “Whatever, dude. I just want to enjoy this for however the fuck long it lasts, you know?”
“Sure,” Gorlag smirks. “Be sure to write that in your mating vows.” He glances at his watch. “Amelia!” he bellows. “We’re going to be late for school!” He slams the rest of his coffee and stands up. “Daddy duty calls.”
“Yeah, speaking of changing.” I grin. He playfully punches my shoulder as he leaves the kitchen.
I pick up Bradford in front of his hotel an hour later. Once we’re on the highway, I clear my throat. “So, I was thinking,” I begin.