“The two of us were very close in college,” I finish, awkwardly. “He’s a model now, and he’s doing a charity show for Glenda!”

I don’t know if Emily caught my awkwardness there, but Bradford gives me a glance that tells me he’s not too happy with the way I just put that. But did he want me to tell her more or less? We’re going to have to talk about it sooner or later, and it probably won’t be easy when we do.

That’s the hard part of being with Bradford. It means a lot of hard conversations. Big emotions. Facing things I’d rather not.

But the more time I spend with him, the more I think it might be worth it. I like who I am with Bradford, even if it’s hard sometimes. He makes me face things I don’t like about myself, but when I do, I get better.

“Well, speaking of Glenda and Gorlag, I don’t know if they told you that they’re coming in for breakfast themselves pretty soon,” Emily tells me, giving a smile.

“How soon?” I ask. “Any chance of us running into them?”

“They didn’t say exactly,” Emily answers. “But if I know them, I’d say it won’t be too long until they’re here. And Amelia should be with them too!”

Bradford looks uncomfortable. He looks down at the diner table. “It’s okay if you don’t want to introduce me to your friend,” he mutters. “We can just eat quickly.”

I blink, puzzled by that reaction. Emily also looks a little confused. Does he really think I wouldn’t want Gorlag to know about him?

“Of course I want you to meet Gorlag,” I tell him. “I think you’ll like him.”

“You’re sure?” he asks. And that’s when I realize where he’s coming from. Of course he thinks I’m going to hide him. That’s what I did before, isn’t it?

But I was a dumb kid back then. I was scared of anyone getting too close to me and I didn’t realize just how close Bradford had gotten. I didn’t realize how precious what I had with him was.

“I’m sure,” I tell him, but I know the words aren’t going to be enough. I’ve hurt Bradford, and it’s going to take time for me to fix that.

“Well, I’m going to have to get to the next table,” Emily says, looking around the hubbub of the restaurant. I have no idea how she keeps track of the whole place in her head. If I didn’t have an ordered list of everyone, I’d probably throw a stool at someone. “Can I grab your drink orders, quickly?”

“Just water,” Bradford says. I order the same.

She walks away. I lean towards Bradford and set my arms on his shoulders. “I just want you to know that this isn’t going to be like last time,” I tell him. “I’m in whole this time. No secrets. No holding back. I promise you that.”

Before Bradford can reply, the door opens. It’s Gorlag, Glenda and Amelia. Good. I can put off that conversation at least a little longer.

Gorlag and Glenda see me immediately. To be fair, it’s hard for an orc in a human town not to stick out at least a little.

“Ragnar!” says Gorlag, leaning down to hug me. “I’m so glad that you’ve discovered the best restaurant in town!”

It’s an orc hug, naturally. I can hear the popping in both our bones. Fortunately, at least he’s human-broken enough not to insist on holding it until one of us surrenders.

“It’s true,” Glenda adds, pushing him aside to get her own hug. “My brother says he chose to live here because he’s in love with Emily, but I think it’s just for the hash browns.”

“Hi, Uncle Ragnar!” Amelia says. She gives me a wave rather than a hug. I wave back.

“I heard that,” Emily says, quickly dropping off two glasses of water. “You could at least have admitted it was the pies.”

“The pies are a good bonus,” Gorlag answers. “But we both know what the real reason was.”

He and Emily give each other a long, sweet look in the eyes. It’s the kind of public display of affection that used to make me a little sick, but being around Gorlag, I’ve gotten to like it more. I think it’s that with him you can tell it’s not just an act. Every time he says something like that, he means it, and the same is true of Emily.

Maybe being around Bradford again has made a difference too. Around him, I find myself thinking mushy nonsense just like that. Sometimes I even let myself say it.

“Gorlag, Glenda, I’d like you to meet Bradford,” I start. Again, I’m not totally sure what I should say about us, but I decide I’ll at least try to be a little more honest. “Bradford’s one of the models here with your shoot, Glenda. The two of us also dated in college.”

“Whoa!” Amelia cries. “I didn’t know that models ate in restaurants like real people!”

Glenda makes no secret of ogling Bradford. He blushes slightly. “Apparently my charity has good taste. Very nice to meet you, Bradford!”

“Good to meet you too,” Bradford says, giving her a slightly awkward nod.