Ragnar laughs. “Fair enough.” He stands up and stretches. And although I try not to notice, I can’t help observing how his muscles strain against the fabric of his shirt as he moves. I feel a bolt of lust shoot through me, right there in the middle of Green Haven.
“So what do you want to do instead?” I ask.
“Gorlag mentioned that there’s a decent club around here,” Ragnar says.
I roll my eyes. “Seriously? This tiny town has a good club?”
“Only one way to find out,” Ragnar says. “If it’s lame, we’ll figure out something else.”
Much to my surprise, the club that we go to is packed. And not only that, but the music is good and the crowd is more diverse than I would have expected.
Ragnar grabs my hand and pulls me to the middle of the crowded dance floor. He closes his eyes as he dances, seeming to lose himself in the beat.
I follow his lead and we dance together, wordlessly pressed against each other. In no time at all my shirt is sticking to me with sweat and my hair is matted to my forehead. But it feels wonderful.
I can’t remember the last time I felt so free. This is even better than modeling, because I’m only moving my body for my own pleasure – and Ragnar’s, I notice. He loops his hands around my waist and pulls me close, and we grind against each other on the floor.
This is a side of Ragnar I’ve never seen before.Anotherside of him, I should say. The orc that sat in the town square and posed for me – even if he was doing so reluctantly, even if he was barely aware that he was posing – that’s a new orc, too.
I never would have imagined that Ragnar would ever be so carefree. And I certainly would have never imagined that he’d be so open, like he’s being now. I knew in boarding school that he wasn’t ashamed of being in love with another male. He was ashamed of being in love at all.
We’re hardly still in love. But the easy way he’s touching me, that’s nothing he ever could have done ten years ago. And the fact that he’s doing it now, combined with how he acted earlier, is making me think that the man I once loved is still there, buried under the fancy suit and important job.
And that maybe I could love that man again.
After an hour or so, Ragnar leans over and yells in my ear, “I’m parched. Want a drink?”
“Yes!” I follow him to the bar, where we order a couple of beers. I drink mine quickly, only aware now that we’ve stopped moving how thirsty and hot I am.
“Do you want to stay?” Ragnar asks as he finishes his own beer.
I look at the crowd, glistening and undulating under the strobe light. It’s tempting to plunge back in, but more than that, I want to be alone with Ragnar. “I’m good calling it a night,” I say, and he nods in agreement.
“Wow, I haven’t done that in a long time,” Ragnar says as we step outside, our voices still loud from the noise of the club.
“Me, either,” I agree. “Tell Gorlag that his town is hipper than I expected.”
“He’ll be thrilled to hear that,” Ragnar says with a wry smile.
“What now?” I ask. “Any other Green Haven hot spots I should know about?”
“I think now is when I’d invite you back to my place,” Ragnar says. “Unfortunately, my place is a guest room in Gorlag and Emily’s house.”
“They wouldn’t be cool with it?” I ask, immediately on edge.
“Theywould be,” he says. “But I don’t want to have to explain to a five-year-old why Uncle Ragnar has sleepovers with friends.”
“Aren’t you presumptuous, assuming I’d spend the night,” I tease.
“Hey, I think you were the one that mentioned breakfast,” he grins.
I reach over and take Ragnar’s hand in mine. At first I feel him tense, and I wait to see if he’s going to drop my hand. But after a few long seconds, he relaxes and twines his fingers through mine.
“I happen to have my very own hotel room, because I’m a grown-up,” I tease.
“You wound me,” Ragnar groans. “But also, does that mean I’m invited up?”
I stop walking and turn to face him. “Yes,” I say. Then I lean over and kiss Ragnar full on the lips.