“Pleased to meet you,” I said with a smile. “And... can I ask you: when did you last see the idol?”
The ghost’s nose went up into the air, her mouth puckering like she’d bitten into a lemon. “When that rude little Dimitri put it in his pocket. Imagine, stealing from his own family! And his matriarch not even cold.”
I felt my jaw drop and then hang open for a long second. Even Cain seemed shocked silent. “Wait, you saw Dimitristealthe idol?”
She sniffed. “I did. I see everything that goes on in these chambers.”
I threw my arms out to the sides, baffled. “Why didn’t you tell Sophia? They’ve been tearing the house apart looking for it!”
Clarice sucked in a shocked breath, her hand fluttering up to her chest like I’d said something rude and she couldn’t believe I’d dare.
“Speak to one of the members of the family? About their own kin? Oh, no! I could never. It’s not my place.”
Of all the stupid, old fashioned, ridiculous reasons—
“Besides, no one has ever seen me anyway so I wouldn’t even know how to get their attention if I tried.”
Well, that made a little more sense.
“Okay, well, thank you very much, Clarice. You’ve been very helpful. I’ll let you get back to your duties.” I turned and almost ran out of the room.
That little sneak! And to think I’d felt sorry for the kid, getting dressed down like that in front of guests, however quietly it was being done. Meanwhile, he’d been stealing from his own great-grandmother and throwing his whole family into turmoil!
She might have been lying, Cain said as I peeked around a corner to make sure the coast was clear.
She might have,I agreed.But I doubt it. I mean, what would be the point?
Maybe she’s protecting someone?
I shrugged.Who would she be protecting? Besides, it makes sense.
Does it?
I nodded.The idol would have to have been taken by a family member. Who else would have had access to it?
A servant.
True, but I’d wager the servants get searched whenever they leave—this place has too many riches to take any chances.
That’s a good point.
I nodded again.Dimitri is the most likely suspect. He’s got means and opportunity.
Cain made a little amused huff of sound.Well, listen to you, sounding like an investigator. I guess I’m rubbing off on you.
I actually got it from watching Colombo, but I wasn’t about to tell Cain that. Most of my modern lingo came from decades of sporadic television watching.
I managed to get back to the main gathering without getting detected by any of the family or the staff and slipped back into the crowd with no one the wiser.
Next things next, I had to find that rotten Dimitri, and I could have the whole case wrapped up before dinner. Maybe I’d celebrate with one of those little brie bites.
Three O’clock, over by the bar.
Cain spotted him before I did. I turned, and sure enough, there was Dimitri Erepto standing by the bar, drinking like it was a sport.Knee deep in his cups, as my granny used to put it.
I went storming right up to the palooka. There wasn’t any need to drag him off somewhere private; the rest of the guests were treating him like he was radioactive. Even the bartender was making busy work down at the other end of the bar, pointedly not answering Dimitri’s finger snapping for another drink.
I couldn’t blame the guy.