I scowl. “Which way?”
I veer onto the main road. “I don’t plan to disclose your whereabouts to Devora. I thought after learning of the witch’s plot to harm your head witch that you might want to return and help them.”
It takes her a few minutes to reply. “My friends and I don’t mean any harm to come of Devora or the other witches at the academy, but we left for a reason. We’re not planning to return. At least not of our own free will.”
I navigate through the traffic. “Then the rumors about you ladies striking out on your own for a different way of life are true.”
Willow’s head snaps around so fast that her black hair flies around with it. “Mind your business, pureblood. I may have to answer you truthfully, but nothing about that curse says that I have to answer you at all, if I don’t want to. Understand?”
Irritating or not, it’s hard not to laugh at the gumption on this enchantress. “Hard, right,” she says suddenly, causing me to turn fast but almost miss the turn. She slides into the door and stays there until we come out of the turn.
I glare at her after straightening out the wheels. “Was that on purpose?”
She turns to me and gives me a seductive little smile that hardens my cock. “Yes.”
I see how this is going to play out with the pesky little witch.Game on, little enchantress, game on.
Devora may have entrustedthe pureblood with finding the rogue witches, but she had no right to sick the beast on me and the other witches who wanted free of her control. “Where are my friends?”
He continues driving and turns off the music that’s been playing in the background. “They’re safe and being well cared for until we find the rogues. When we do, I’ll return them to you without harm.”
A thought has been rattling around in my brain since he found me at the club. “Why me? I can’t figure out why Devora would send you after me and my friends. We have done nothing except separate from the academy. It’s not like we want to do her or anyone there any harm.”
“Perhaps she wants to make sure you’re safe, and this is her way of doing it,” he offers.
I stroke the stone hanging around my neck. “Maybe if she weren’t so busy trying to teach us that life outside of hexes, curses, and potions shouldn’t exist, we would have stayed. But there is more outside of life than what they teach at the academy. We were living proof that witches can lead an entirely normal life outside of those walls, until she sicked you on us.”
“Need I remind you that all you had to do was answer a question truthfully—tell me where to find the rogue witches, and you will be able to wash your hands of me. It was your deceit that got you and your friends into this situation.”
The pureblood isn’t wrong, and he hasn’t tried to hurt me, really. Aside from sticking a dirty sock in my mouth, tying me up, and holding me against my will. Still, he and his beastly friends could have done so much more. “You’re going to take a right at the light.”
His eyebrows raise. “What do I owe the warning?”
I shrug, playing with the glitter on the end of my nail. “Maybe I was a little too hard on you. I guess you could have dragged me back to Devora or done any number of things. You could have burned us, seared us with your eyes, all kinds of things, or worse—promised to take us back to Devora when all is said and done.”
Campania slows the vehicle to an almost stop as traffic gets congested near the club we’re heading toward. He turns to me. “I can’t speak of Devora myself. All I know is her actions against the vampires for so many centuries until recently. Raven may not agree with all the teachings of the academy, but she still thinks highly of her aunt, regardless.”
Never in all my years would I have dreamed that I’d be sitting next to a pureblood who’s calmly rationalizing the actions and attributes of one of the strictest head witches around. One who will do anything to ensure the land the vampires think is theirs stays in the hands of the witches. “The club up ahead. Torelli’s on the right. There’s a parking lot in the back that’s shared by a few of the establishments. It’s a rougher part of town, so you might want to park this fancy machine near the door so the greeter can keep an eye on it.”
Campania doesn’t respond, but does take my advice, finding a spot not too far from the door. He turns off the motor, unfastens his seatbelt, and turns to me. “Anything I need to know before walking through that door?” he asks, texting a message on his phone as he waits for my reply.
“Nothing that you haven’t already heard on the street. The rogue witches took off from the academy suddenly. Rumor is that they’re working with Isala and the rogue vampires who don’t believe the vampire masters should stay in power.”
His dark eyes penetrate me with their intensity. “Isala is dead now. Do you know the names of the vampires who are working with the rogues?”
I sigh, knowing this was going to come up and dreading that it would. I could just refuse to answer, but the way this pureblood seems to be able to understand my thoughts it would just be delaying the inevitable. Give them what they want, get my friends back to safety, and disappear with them where no one can find us again. I decide to come clean and stop stalling.
“Rumors, of course, but you and I both know whispers on the street tend to be part fact and part fiction. I’ll give them to you, and you can do with the information what you will, but please do not tell anyone that it was me who told you.”
He growls under his breath, a deep, sexy growl that should have me running for the hills, but instead sends a shiver of desire down the length of my spine. I inhale and exhale slowly, trying to dissipate the feeling so he doesn’t notice or know what I’m thinking, but not much gets past the powerful vampire master.
Sexy little enchantress.