Page 19 of Master Campania

I dress with haste, sliding into my jeans, glancing at the clock on the wall. My cell rings just as I’ve finished lacing my boots and snugging my weapons into their holster. “Campania.”

Descallia doesn’t mince words on the other end. “The rest of the warrior traitors have defected. They must have learned that we know who they are. Too bad because I was going to make an example of the bastards in front of the others.”

No one wants to be the one receiving a lesson on disloyalty from Descallia. He has a long history of periodic betrayal over the years. The rogues know how to get in and bend the minds of vampire soldiers who are too easy to believe that life is better on the other side, that they won’t continue to have to fight for everything that we have. Only when they’ve betrayed their own do they learn how very good they’ve had it all these centuries with an overmaster who is intelligent and fair. I pity the defectors, though, because fair he may be, but even more lethal with traitors. “Bradius and Larthew?

He growls so loud I hold the phone away from my ear. “All of the traitors in the warriors. Word got back to them that we knew there were traitors among us. They probably didn’t know which ones we knew about, so they all fled. We’re left with four good men now and no retribution.”

I have no doubt that Descallia will get his retribution. The pureblood will make it his life’s mission to hunt the ones who betrayed us and make an example out of them for any in the future who would even dare think about crossing us again.

The door from the bathroom opens, and Willow opens the door, still dewy from her shower. Her creamy skin is covered only by the cashmere bath sheet she wears wrapped around her. I try to focus on the conversation with Descallia, but she makes it damn hard to think about anything else.

I’m unable to take my eyes from her as she gathers her belongings and returns to the bathroom. I smirk at her modesty after what we did last night. My little enchantress forgot all about her embarrassment in the heat of the moment of our tryst. She now acts all prim and demure which surprisingly makes my cock hard too. Damn that female. “What’s the plan?”

Descallia clears his throat. “Let’s still plan to meet at the Descallia. They wouldn’t have defected if the rogues weren’t planning something big and wanted them out of there quickly.”

There’s no use trying to hide the fact that Willow is with me. Descallia and the others aren’t stupid. Besides, the precedence about vampires and witches being somewhat accepted has been set with Raven and Romano. I scoop my wallet from the nightstand and pocket it. “I’ll drop Willow off at your estate after we get something to eat, then meet you and the others at the Descallia shortly.”

Descallia clears his throat. “The females have the kitchen commandeered. They’re making food for their hangover. Have her eat here with the ladies. I’ll grab something for all of us on my way out. They’ve made enough food for an army.”

I smirk, glad that Willow didn’t drink as much as the others. “Sounds good. I’ll see you in a little while.”

In true Descallia fashion, when he has far too many things on his mind, he doesn’t answer. He disconnects, leaving me with dead air on the other line.

Willow comes out of the bathroom dressed. Her fingers are entwined, fidgeting. This morning-after awkwardness is new to me too. Usually, I make a hasty exit shortly after the deed, leaving the female to wake up alone in a hotel room and the lap of luxury, with breakfast and roses sent up by the hotel staff, allowing me to make a clean and happy break. One-night stands, no repeats, never at my estate, most certainly not in my bed and never, never with a witch.

Every single one of those hard and fast rules went out the window with Willow. Her sassiness, spirit, and shyness all keeping me locked in my enchantress’ spell. I walk into the bathroom and grab the blow dryer and a brush from the cabinet and plug it in by the bed. “Come sit with me for a few minutes.”

Willow doesn’t hesitate, but the shyness is bubbling on the surface as she takes a seat by my side. I pick up the brush and begin stroking her shoulder-length strands of jet-black hair. They slide through my fingers, silkier than anything I’ve ever felt. When I’ve finished, I turn her toward me and kiss her cherry flavored lips. “We need to leave shortly. Overmaster Descallia told me you can eat with the ladies tonight. They have a feast set up after their overindulgence last night. It’s tradition with them. You’ll have to learn to put away more than two drinks if you’re going to hang with that crowd.”

She leans against my shoulder. “Are you sure I can’t come with you? I worry about the magic the shifters have. I don’t want you to get hurt. I’ve become quite fond of you, vampire.”

I lift her chin. “I don’t want you out chasing shifters, and who knows what other under dwellers the rogues and our own traitor warriors have managed to bring onto their side. It’s dangerous, Willow. I want you safe, and if they know you’re with me, you’re a target right along with the rest of the females.



The minute Campaniadrops me off and I walk into the Descallia estate, I’m surrounded by all of the ladies wearing big smiles on their faces. Lucianna’s eyes glow, bright crystalline green, and none of the tension between Embry and me remains. Perhaps that’s what a girls’ night out, a few drinks, and lots of dancing will do.

Embry looks at Raven and then at me. “Looks like another master has been taken by a witchy girl.”

Raven smiles and gives me a wink. Her mind swirls with what she doesn’t have to say.You’ve been accepted.

I return the wink, definitely feeling a little remorse for the way I’ve thought of Raven since hearing of her departure from the academy and her pairing with Romano. She’s been so nice to me, taking the time to talk to a fellow witch when I needed a little comfort and reassurance.

Clearly Embry is going to leave the past in the past. For some reason, it’s important that they know that I tried to help the vampires in the plight they currently find themselves. “I tried to get Master Campania to take me with him. I told him how much help I could offer in case he runs into those shiesty shifters, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He wanted to keep me safe. Wanted me to be with you guys, so I guess you’re stuck with me now, at least until he returns.”

Embry grins. “Master Campania has been a devout, single man for as long as I have known him. Now granted, it hasn’t been that long, but I’ve heard details from all the other female vampires, all wanting to sink their claws into him. One-night stands is all they got is what I heard, no protecting them the way he’s doing with you. I saw the way he looked at you, witchy girl.” She lifts a finger with a nail polished as purple as her hair and blows on it through bright pink lips. “Hot, hot, hot!!”

I give Embry wide eyes, but the grin that breaks the plane of my face is unavoidable. The look he gives me is hot; everything about him is hot. How could anyone resist that charm? “You think he’s really into me? I mean, not just as a one-nighter?”

Embry points to Lucianna and Raven laughing. “Ante up, girls!! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!! I knew she would succumb to the charms of Master Campania.”

My mouth gapes, watching their smiling face. “You took bets on whether we went to bed after he took me home?” I narrow my eyes at the three women who look as guilty as they should. “Seriously!”

Raven laughs out loud. “Embry said the minute he got you home you probably climbed him like a tree!”

“OMG!” I look to Lucianna for support but find only a smiling face and those glowing eyes. My cheeks feel hot. I turn to Embry. “Do you always blurt out whatever is on your mind with no filter at all?”