Romano and the crew have barely bested their opponents, leaving them severed and bloody on the floor when the wolves leap through the air and attack. Five of us to their seven, a match that not one of the vampires is concerned about, our swords and daggers ready to slay the mangy bastards who seem to multiply in numbers as our search for the rogues continues.
One of the wolves’ lands on Clay’s well-placed blade and slumps to the floor as his blood seeps from his traitorous body. It should be a warning to the rest of them, but instead the killing of one of their own fuels their anger. They don’t take turns this time; instead, they charge all at once, their lips pulled back, exposing enormous and jagged incisors as they growl their anger.
Blades and daggers manage to keep the gnashing teeth at bay, until opportunity arises to sever a limb or drive a long steel sword into the chest cavity of our foe. One by one we take them down, but even before Willow’s bloodcurdling cry I know it’s far from the end of this heated exchange.
“Campania, more wolves!” Willow cries. The sound of terror in her voice causes my heart to pound until I see that she’s safely behind us and still in one piece. Just a second of time to turn and check on her, but more than enough for the number of our enemies to grow.
At least seven more slink from the shadows of the club, pushing over chairs and spilling abandoned drinks as they approach. The gray mangy one in front takes an unexpected leap, barely giving me time to pull my bloody long blade from one of his brothers before he lands in front of me. His sullen eyes take in the wolves laying slain at our feet, each of them dead and swimming in a pool of their own blood. He paws the earth, growling, drool hanging in strands from his massive jowls and getting ready for his attack, but that’s not something I’m going to allow.
I send a red-hot line of fire right to his chest, scorching his coat, and setting his hair on fire. The first of many who will feel the heat of my wrath if they don’t back the fuck off. The other wolves howl their angst, turning with tucked tails and scattering as quickly as they can to the exit through the back. They can run, but they can’t hide. The perimeter is surrounded by all of our guards, circling high above them in the night and just waiting for them to come out.
Willow’s eyes are wide and swirling, and her heart is beating erratically. She’s so distressed that I can hear it pounding in her chest. I put my arm around her, an unfamiliar need to protect. I push a long black whisp of hair from her face and stroke a finger down her cheek. “It’s okay. The witches will tell me what I need to know. It’s over for you. I’ll take you to your friends, and then you can wash your hands of me and this night.”
She inhales deeply, closes her eyes, and strokes the bauble.
My eyes narrow. “Surely you’re not going to turn me into a toad or something after all we’ve been through,” I say, trying to add some levity to at least settle her nerves.
She doesn’t answer for longer than I like, continuing to stroke the damn stone around her neck as it shines with a bright blue light.
Her eyes open wide suddenly and the swirling blends to a bright crystalline blue, as clear as the ocean on a summer’s day. “Lucianna, she’s in trouble. The vampire estate is being attacked.”
Raven’s eyes swirl and then stop. “I see it too. Overmaster Descallia’s place. We have to help Lucianna!” she cries.
Not one of us questions the witches, realizing all the manpower sent as a precaution to ensure we caught the rogue witches and wolves has come at the ultimate price—leaving Overmaster Descallia and Lucianna open for attack.
I use the heat of my eyes to send another ring of fire around the witches. It should ensure they’ll be exactly where we left them when we return. I take Willow’s arm and transport her through the night. Regardless of Descallia’s rules, it’s far too late to worry about showing the witches our powers. It’s not like they haven’t seen it a million times before over the centuries. Willow doesn’t look the least bit fazed by our method of journey when we reach the estate. Instead, her gaze is intently staring into the air far above Overmaster’s vast property.
A bright blue haze fills the night above the trees, the image of Devora settling above us like a floating cloud. The apparition sends the birds scattering in different directions, crashing through the leaves in their haste and causing the leaves to fall in the crispness of the night. I turn to Willow and Raven. “Witches?”
Willow and Raven must be thinking the same thing. Devora would never condone members of her coven to help the vampires, yet here they are, in all their splendor, far above us. Willow strokes the stone around her neck before looking at me. “I may have wanted some time apart, separation from the witches at the academy, and admittedly Devora’s never-ending teaching, but if she’s given the witches her blessing to help the vampires, then I need to know. I need to connect with her.”
Devora’s image suddenly floats high above the tree in a circle of blue light. Her voice rings out clearly in the night. “The rogue vampires came for Lucianna. Overmaster Descallia and the guards were able to keep them at bay with the help of the ghouls.” She gestures to the green buzzing lights speeding toward us in the distance. “We were here in case they needed our help, but it wasn’t necessary,” Devora says.
I’m at a loss with the recent amiability between Descallia, the syndicate, and the witches, but whatever the reason, good manners seem prudent at a time like this. “On behalf of all the masters, thank you. Also, for allowing Willow to help us find the witches who went rogue. We were able to secure them but haven’t yet had a chance to question the ones in our possession.”
Devora’s eye swirl like Willow’s when she’s has something on her mind. “Bring them to me after you’re done. That was the deal made with Descallia. I expect it will be soon, vampire.” The hard edge to her voice is more like the Devora I’ve known over the centuries, but still, a deal is a deal.
I give her a curt nod of agreement. “I’ll discuss it with Overmaster Descallia. If that’s the agreement reached between the two of you, then you can expect it will be upheld. The witches will be brought to you as soon as we have the information we need. It won’t be long; of that you can be assured.”
The head witch doesn’t answer me or say a word to Willow or to Raven. She simply disappears in a waft of blue tinged smoke. We watch as the tendrils of color trailing behind her settle in the air and then dissipates. This night has gone from odd to more fucking bizarre every hour that passes. Witches helping vampires, me a pureblood wanting to bed a sexy little witch, but worse than that, the thought of Willow in danger. The need to protect her hasn’t left my mind since she first showed real signs of fear.
I don’t do relationships, plain and simple. A master free to do whatever he chooses, enjoying a selection of sexy females who are more than willing to keep my bed warm for an hour or two. No more than that, no relationships. A hard and fast rule since a heartbreak centuries ago. I’ve stuck with that decision since that time, and it’s served me well. Have a little fun and move on. No emotional attachments, I’d do well to remember that when she looks at me with those beautiful eyes that seem to see right through my dark hearted soul.
Like it or not, my attraction to Willow is undeniable. She stands looking at Raven and Romano who have set out ahead of us on our way to Overmaster Descallia’s front door. Her pathways are blurry, and I’m unable to get a good read on what she’s thinking, causing me in turn to wonder just how much of what’s running through my mind she understands.
Her attention turns, and those wide eyes settle on mine. The pulse on the side of her neck quickens with the racing of her blood. Willow senses the intruder too. She may not be able to smell their stench from a mile away, but she feels their presence. Shifters, the mangy wolf bastards must have circled back or sent more after being chased out of the property by the ghouls. This time, they’ll wish they had never set foot on vampire territory, especially that of the overmaster himself.
Suddenly yellow eyes appear,one pair then two pairs, and pretty soon we are surrounded by them. They glow in the night as they approach, until we are close enough to make out the shapes of their body.
One leads the wolves, boldly advancing while his pack closes in. The vampire masters and the others do not seem afraid of the wolves. Campania puts me behind him by stepping in front of me. A chivalrous gesture in a world that no longer teaches its value.
The leader of the wolves paws the ground again, but that’s his only warning of attack. He jumps high into the air, but he’s seriously misjudged his opponent. Campania is quick; he’s already drawn the dagger at his waist and with one fluid move drives it into his chest on the descent, tossing him to the ground. The wolf howls in agony as Campania wields his long sword, ready to put an end to the mangy beast who lies at his feet.